Page 20 of Just Roommates
“I’ve been busy,” he says.
“Bullshit.” I’m dealing with lies from my dad. I won’t accept them from him, too. “Ever since that stupid sex conversation, you’ve hardly spoken to me.”
“That night proved a friendship between us wasn’t a wise idea. We’re too different, Sierra, and you have your own relationship issues to work out.”
Us being friends is necessary for my sanity, for my heart. No words from anyone I’ve spoken to tonight were as comforting as being with Maliki. It’s been hell, not seeing him.
“I swear, no more sex or relationship talk. I’ll even sweep the floors, and we’ll act like it never took place.”
He smirks. “You enjoy my company, don’t you? Your boyfriend is so fucking stale that you’d rather be around me.”
I roll my eyes. “Oh my God, someone needs to make himself a humble drink.”
* * *
“Sierra,listen to me. Do not go inside,” Ellie urges over the phone.
“What? Why?” I ask.
“The news about your engagement has spread all over town. Your mother told everyone at the benefit breakfast this morning. There’s no way it hasn’t hit Down Home—that it hasn’t hit Maliki—and from how well I know you, I’m sure you haven’t told him.”
I twist the diamond ring on my finger and bow my head. He should’ve known before any random person.
Devin proposed ten days ago, and since then, I’ve been terrified of seeing Maliki. I’ve also been miserable, not seeing him. He should’ve found out from me, face-to-face.
I couldn’t do it though.
I knew what he’d do.
He’d grill me about my saying yes. Give me shit. He’d see straight through me and rip out every uncertainty I possessed about marrying Devin, throwing them at me.
That’s what Maliki does. He makes me tackle my truths, which fucking terrifies me.
My voice cracks, my stomach rolling as a chill hits me. “I should’ve told him myself.”
“Trust me, he doesn’t want to see you. Babe, I hate to tell you this, but it’s in your best interest to put your closing nights with Maliki to rest if you marry Devin.”
I force a laugh. “Oh my God! Maliki won’t care. We’refriends.He’s made that clear from day one.”Lies.
In the pit of my stomach, heart of my soul, I know Maliki will most definitely care.
Ellie releases a worried sigh. “Tell me then, what would you feel if Maliki got engaged?”
I swallow down the curses ready to fly out of my mouth. “I mean, I wouldn’t like it.”I’d fucking riot.
“Bullshit.” Her tone turns sharp. “I’m ordering you right now to turn around, leave that parking lot, and arrive early to your cake-testing appointment with your mother.”
My mother has started wedding planning. Hell, she might’ve started the day Devin asked my parents for permission to marry me. Devin proposed in front of our families, making it hard for me to say anything but yes.
I planned to wait a few years until our nuptials, but then I saw my mother’s face and heard the excitement in her voice while she talked about locations, flowers, and dresses. I didn’t have the heart to tell her to relax and give me time. I missed her smile too much.
It’s not that I don’t care about Devin. I don’t doubt my future with Devin or his feelings. Even with our relationship issues, I don’t see Devin breaking my heart.
Maliki? He’s never had a stable relationship.
Hell, he’s never shown interest in having one with me or anyone.
We’re friends. Period.