Page 38 of Just Roommates
I can’t be jealous. I’mmarried.
“You don’t work today?” His question breaks me away from my thoughts.
“I quit my job.” I called in the day I learned about Devin’s affair and haven’t returned.
He leans inward and clasps his hands together.
“I’m not irresponsible for not putting in my two weeks.” I’m uncertain why I feel the need to defend myself. “I tried, but his mother rattled on about forgiveness.Then, she used my parents’ situation as an example, whichtotallypissed me off.” The only thing I’m forgiving is my heart for being so damn dumb, trusting him. “I’m also not fond of working with an ex.”
It sucks, losing my job. His father’s firm was reputable and had a notable client list, and the pay was great. It’ll be difficult, finding something like that in Blue Beech, so I’ll have to look in surrounding towns.
“Any other job prospects?”
“I’ve had a few,” I answer with a frown.
“Why do you look unhappy about that?”
“None of them are jobs I want.” All of them are part-time gigs that’ll hardly pay my grocery bills. I have money in savings, but that’s for finding a new place. “Not to mention, the pay sucks. The demand for an interior designer in this town is practically nonexistent.” Some residents haven’t updated their homes in decades.
“I’ll hire you to renovate the pub.”
My breathing catches. “What?”
“The pub hasn’t been updated in fuck knows how long. Renovate it … work your magic.”
Excitement ripples through me, causing me to grin, and I squeal, clapping my hands. “I wouldlovethat! I’ve already thought of ideas of how I’d change things if ever given the opportunity.” I needed something to do to pass the time when Maliki left me to make someone a drink.
I suddenly remember the conversation I planned to have with him this morning. Even with his offer, one job won’t exactly load my bank account. Plus, I can’t charge him as much as Devin’s dad did his clients.
“You know …” I pause. “I have my bartending license.”
He stills. “What?”
“I have my bartending license. I bartended on campus my senior year for extra cash.”
Even though my parents paid my tuition and a chunk of my bills, I worked two jobs. Most of that money went toward the down payment for the condo.
“Your parents were okay with that?” he asks skeptically, raising his brows.
“Hell no.”
My father would’ve flipped his shit.
A grin twitches at his lips. “How’d you manage to hide that from them?”
“Told them I was tutoring.” I hold up a finger. “Which, technically, wasn’t a lie. I was tutoring. It just wasn’t where most of my cash came from.”
“What about now? If I hire you, there’s no lying about tutoring. This is a small town, princess … and you’reyou.”
“Their opinions are the least of my worries. My father ruined our family name with his little affair, so I can’t do any worse damage. Plus, a change would be nice.”I’ll also be able to hang out with you.
He taps the countertop. “Lucky for you, my sister is leaving for a few weeks. You can take her bartending shifts. When she comes back, I’ll have to move you to waitressing.”
Shit.I forgot about Liz.
He laughs, as if catching on to my thoughts. “Don’t worry. I told her to be nice.”
Ugh, I’m not three. You don’t have to force someone to be nice to me.“So, I’m hired?”