Page 44 of Just Roommates
“I know. I’m visiting them after this afternoon. Devin is out of town this weekend with his father for a work thing. I texted Kyle this morning and asked if he could help me move my things out.” She stops. “Shoot, I forgot to ask for my schedule. Do I work tonight?”
I shake my head. “Nope. We have the night off.”
“Oh, cool.” She places the eggs on the two plates next to her and slides one along with a fork in front of me. “Do you have any plans?”
“I’m having beers with some friends.”
She leans in, not bothering to touch her food, and places her elbows on the counter. “Do I know them?”
She doesn’t realize it, but her stance is giving me an even better view of her cleavage. She doesn’t have large boobs, but they’re also not small. My hands wouldn’t be full if I played with them.
I shove another bite into my mouth, hoping it distracts me from brainstorming about the things I could do to those breasts.
When I glance back to her face, she’s waiting for me to answer.Shit.I forgot she’d asked me a question.
“My friend Cohen.”
She flinches. “The guy from Twisted Fox?”
“Yes, that guy.”
She nods back and bites into her lower lip, looking disappointed. “Ahh … well, have fun.”
“I can’t believeDevin is so stupid,” my mom says, squeezing a lemon into a pitcher of lemonade. Even though her face is twisted in disgust, you’d guess she was referring to a sunny day. She has the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard, and no matter how angry she gets, it never rises or changes. “What a little asshole.”
I crack a smile. “Oh my God!” I smack her arm as I walk past her and snag a cookie. “Mom!”
“What?” she asks, wiping her hands down her flowered apron. “He hurt you.”
She was waiting for answers as soon as I walked through the front door. She’d made my favorite cookies—cookies and cream cheesecake—and she was starting on the lemonade—also my favorite. She consoles through stomachs, claiming cookies and hot meals always make someone feela littlehappier.
Nancy Lane is the sweetest woman you’ll ever meet. If someone is sick, she’s at their doorstep with chicken soup. If a family is in need of charity, she not only pulls out her checkbook, but she’s also at the family’s side, taking a list of anything they need.
I didn’t bother taking my time to break the news. I blurted out, “Devin cheated,” when I walked in.
She knew what to do—immediately wrapping me up in a hug as I cried for the ending of my marriage. Then, she told me she had cookies waiting for me.
She was right.
It did make me feel better.
Her calling Devin a little asshole puts a cherry on top.
Nancy Lane is not someone who curses on the regular.
She frowns. “I was so excited for you to get married. Maybe I pushed you too hard, and you should’ve waited. I should’ve known he was wrong for you.” She sniffles. “Mothers are supposed to know these things.”
I kiss her cheek. “Don’t worry. I threw something at his head.” I bite into a cookie and savor its yumminess. “Healthy communication at its finest.”
She circles her fingers around the handle of the pitcher, grabbing a few glasses, and I snag the plate of cookies while following her to the kitchen table. We sit down where my sister, Cassidy, is texting on her phone. She’s home from college—most likely so that my mom can do her laundry and send her back with food, so she doesn’t starve.
“Did you ask him why he did it?” my mom asks.
“He slept with someone because he was thinking with the scrawny thing between his legs. That’s the only explanation I have.” I pour myself a glass of lemonade. “No, wait. He told me it wasn’t so bad because it happened at abachelor party.”