Page 56 of Just Roommates
I fasten my hand around her arm, stopping her again. “Why did you come to the bar?” I grit out, wanting the answer more than my next breath.
She came for a reason. A woman doesn’t visit another man the night before her wedding for no goddamn reason.
“Tell me.”
She wriggles free from my grasp and looks away from me. “I needed a drink.”
“You needed a drink?” I snort. “Bull-fucking-shit. Your husband might have bought your lies, but I see right through you.”
She shrugs, her voice almost sounding resentful. “Whatever. I need to get back to work and make some cash.”
Reality slaps me, reminding me again this isn’t the place. I shake my head and return to my customers. Penny grins and signals to her empty glass.
Penny works for one of my beer distributors. We clicked, went out a few times, and fucked a whole lot of times. That ran smooth for nearly a year. I’d made it clear I wasn’t looking for a relationship, and everything was perfect until she developed feelings and hit me with the L-word. She’d said it numerous times during sex—those don’t count—but never over a meal. So, I had to end things with her.
We didn’t talk for months before the eve of Sierra’s wedding. She randomly showed up, and I needed to clear my head—to forget about Sierra.
And because I kept needing to forget about Sierra, I used Penny as that buffer—until I realized it wasn’t fair to her. I haven’t seen her since the night I broke it off, though we both left in an understanding that we’d remain friends.
I didn’t invite her tonight, haven’t spoken to her in months, but I can’t kick her out. She’s done nothing wrong.
Friends don’t ignore friends, but I’ve tried to stay clear of her the best I can tonight. It’s difficult, considering she keeps ordering drinks and food.
I make her a vodka soda, and before I get the chance to walk away, she seizes my arm in her hand, her fingers dancing along my skin, and leans forward, her cleavage spilling out.
“Are you doing anything tonight?” she whispers.
“Working and then crashing,” I answer, bored.
“You want some company?”
“Nope. I’m pretty tired.”
“Oh, come on. You never turn me down when I’m in town, and we need to catch up. It’s been a while.”
I jerk away and take a step back. It’s just my luck that when I glance to the other side of the bar, Sierra’s attention is pinned to us. Her face is pinched together as she gives me a stony glare.
Of motherfucking course.
“I’ve been busy,” I practically fume.
She narrows her brown eyes at me. “What’s up with you?”
She motions to Sierra. “Is there funny business going on with you and prep-academy girl over there?” She laughs. “Where did you find her? She looks like she belongs anywhere but here.”
I grimace at the truth in her observation. She’s right. Sierra doesn’t belong in a run-down bar like this.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say, feigning disinterest. “She’s my employee, and I want to make sure she’s okay.” The last thing I need is Penny starting shit with Sierra.
Her eyes latch on to Sierra, who’s turned our back to us, and her face turns guarded. “Liar. You’ve been undressing her all night, staring at her ass, slamming shit around anytime a man talks to her. I know what it looks like to want someone. You’ve given me those looksplentyof times.”
The way I’ve looked at her will never match how I look at Sierra. Never.
“I’m busy, Penny,” I say. “Enjoy your night.”
She sighs loudly and doesn’t speak until I shift on my heels to leave. “What a shame. A man like you falling for a woman like her.”