Page 80 of Just Roommates
“Devin texted me.”
He frowns. “And?”
I cover my face with my hands. “This is humiliating.”
“Uh … I’m married.”
He scratches his cheek. “You’re divorcing him,right?”
“Good.” He takes a bite of a carrot and points to my phone. “Text him back and tell him that.”
I ignore the text and shut off my phone.
* * *
Tonight ismy first shift of working with Maliki since we had sex.
I’m like a lovesick teen.
Our eyes briefly catch when I peek over at him and grin.
“You slept with him, didn’t you?”
I shift my attention back to Ellie, who’s perched on a stool, nursing a glass of wine. We haven’t hung out since dinner the day I left Devin.
I make a poor attempt of hiding my grin with my hand.
She laughs, reaching across the bar and slapping my arm. “You hooker! You screwed him and didn’t tell me, your best friend. What the hell?”
I blow out a long breath, still unable to rid myself of my smile. “I can’t call youin front of him. That convo needs to be saved for when we’re alone.”
“Uh, you can trek your little ass to the bathroom and call me … or at least shoot your girl a text. It’s rude and against friendship rules for me to find out at the same time as all these wasted people here.”
I jerk my head back. “Wait, what?”
She rolls her eyes. “It’s obvious. You’re eye-fucking him, and he does the same between every drink he makes.”
I perk up, my heart leaping. “Really?”
She whistles. “Girl, you’ve got it bad. He has it bad. I demand every single detail, please and thank you.”
“I’m off tomorrow. Margaritas?”
“Can’t. I’m babysitting.”
I raise a brow. “Someone trusts you with their kid?”
“It’s my niece, so if I lose her or something, I won’t go to jail.” She shrugs. “My sister is moving home, and I was given the option to babysit or help move. Considering physical labor isn’t my jam, I chose babysit.” Her eyes brighten. “Oh,insteadof drinks, you can have the pleasure of helping me. You’ve volunteered with kiddos. You know how to change diapers and all that stuff.”
I shake my head, fighting a grin. “I’m not changing diapers.”
“Kidding.The little heathen is, like, six. Consider it practice for when you and Maliki make little ones.”
I hold my palm up. “Seriously, don’t go there.”