Page 83 of Just Roommates
“Don’t call her that.” I narrow my eyes at her from my desk.
Two weeks have passed since Sierra and I had sex.
It’s been a fucking amazing two weeks.
Liz shuts the door. “Your answer tells me she hasn’t broken your heart yet.”
I recline in my chair, crossing my legs, and play with the pen in my hand. “How’s Dad?”
“He’s Dad. He and the wifey reconciled, and she’s surprisingly not terrible.”
“What happened to divorcing her?”
“It was his fault for their issues. He was scared she’d leave him like Mom did and pulled away. They talked and seem okay now.”
“Good.” I fidget with the pen between my fingers. “I have something to tell you.”
“What’s up?”
I massage the back of my neck. “I’m renovating the bar.”
“Oh, cool.” She smiles. “I’d love to help.”
Sierra walks in mid-sentence, her hands filled with a notebook and paint samples. Liz’s smile wipes off her face, turning into a glare.
Without bothering to glance up, Sierra starts talking, “So, I’ve gone back and forth with the taupe color you picked—and by picked, I mean, pointed and said, ‘That one,’ without bothering to look at other options. I don’t see it working with the floor we ordered. I know you like it, butblugh.I promise to find something better. You’ll love it.”
All the color drains from Liz’s face while Sierra continues her rambling.
“I also have furniture options, and stop me if I’m going too far, butmaybewe can tear down a wall?”
Liz’s gaze pings from her to me. “Tear down a wall?” she shrieks.
The notebook drops from Sierra’s hand, paint samples fluttering on the floor, and her eyes shoot straight to me in panic.
“When you said renovating, I took that as a fresh paint job,” Liz spits out.
“We are doing new paint,” Sierra remarks.
Liz shoots her a hard look. “I meant, not changing everything.”
“Technically,we’re not changing everything,” Sierra answers. “We’re preserving the bones of the bar, just altering a few things, making them better.”
“The bar doesn’t need toget better.” Liz turns back to me, her face serious. “Why wasn’t this discussed with me?”
“Liz, not here, not now,” I caution.
“I’ll go … look at other ideas,” Sierra mutters.
I tilt my head her way with a small smile, and she backs away, hurrying out of the room.
“What will you hire her for next? To sleep with you?” Liz seethes as soon as Sierra disappears.
“Don’t go there.” My tone is harsh. “Leave Sierra alone.”
“You’ve already slept with her, haven’t you? Jesus, Maliki!”