Page 95 of Just Roommates
Shit.“She came into the bar before you got here, you late one, you, and told me.” I hate lying to her.
“Well, Jessa can kiss my ass because she’s lying.” Her face reddens. “She probably wants to start screwing you again now that her husband left her unfaithful ass.”
I wish I weren’t avoiding her gaze, but I can’t look at her. I’m afraid she’ll see the lies in my eyes. “Why’d he leave her?”
She shrugs with a frown. “Something about her lying to him about being the father of their daughter. It’s sad because the little girl is so adorable, and now, Jessa stuck her into this weird position of not knowing who her dad is.” She kisses my cheek. “Be happy you dodged that bullet.”
“Trust me, I am.”At least I thought I’d dodged it.
“Yep, because then you met me. By the way, Devin was begging me to stay with him at Ellie’s. I made it clear I wasn’t and then filed for divorce the next day. That lying tramp can kiss my ass, and she’d better stay away from you.”
“I love when you get all territorial.”
Two Weeks Later
My hands shakeas I stare at the envelope—the paternity results.
The day after Jessa broke the news, we went to get a paternity test. She brought her—maybeour—daughter in first and left, and then I went in. It isn’t healthy to include the little girl until paternity is established. Jessa could be lying, and the little girl is already confused after learning the man she believed to be her dad for years isn’t. I need to be positive before breaking the news and further confusing her.
Jessa called the bar, looking for me this morning, which resulted in a glare from Liz. I ordered Jessa to never do it again and reluctantly gave her my phone number. She’s already texted me five times.
I decided not to tell Sierra until the results came. Our relationship is perfect, and I’m scared this news will lead to problems, given she can’t stand Jessa. She wouldn’t be happy to find out Jessa is the mother of my child.
I pace back and forth and then tear it open.
I lose my breath as I read …99.9% positive paternity.
I drop the paper on the floor.
Holy fuck.
I’m her father.
“All right,I’ll let you know. Love you.”
I bite the inside of my cheek when I hang up the phone, setting it on the couch next to me and scowling at it as if it were evil. I’m lost on what to do.
“Not a good call?” Maliki asks, strolling into the living room and handing me a coffee mug.
We had our morning shower, and he went on coffee duty while I returned the missed call from my father.
I slouch against the cushion. “I have yet to decide.”
He moves my phone and takes its place. “What’s up?”
“My dad found an apartment. I can move in by the end of the week.”
The room turns mute until Maliki clears his throat. “You can stay here for as long as you want. You know that, right?”
I nod. “It’s just … we’re not exactlyjust roommatesanymore. What if things change between us? I’ll end up in the same situation as I was with Devin.” My situation was better with Devin. We co-owned the condo. I could’ve stayed, but here? It’s Maliki’s. I have no claim.