Page 24 of Just Friends
I keep my back against the freezer door, watching him as he disappears down the aisle, and then grab the ice cream. We load up on snacks and go back to the dorm.
As soon as I change into my pajamas and take a giant bite of ice cream, my phone beeps with a text.
Unknown Number: You’re right. Mint chocolate chip is the best. When are you available?
I grin, shove my spoon in the container, and hurriedly text back.
Me: Friday night?
Unknown Number: Perfect.
Maybe this girl needs to change her college life.
Try something exciting.
I almost put my phone on the charger and finish my ice cream before crashing, but then I remember I need to text Rex. There’s no doubt he’ll show up here if I don’t.
Me: I’m home, safe and sound.
My Main Man: Good. I apologize if I was being an ass tonight.
Me: It’s okay.
My Main Man: Good night, babe. Love you.
Me: Night. Love you, too.
Carolina has been the master of call-dodging lately.
Come to think of it, she’s been distant all week, ever since our stupid spat at that lame-ass party.
I texted her this morning, asking her what she was doing. It’s the weekend, so she doesn’t have class, and I want to hang out. After receiving no response, I asked if she wanted to get pizza. An hour later, I called. My next text was asking her what the fuck her deal was. That also went ignored.
Something is up.
She never ignores me. Even when she’s pissed, she always at least replies with a smart-ass GIF.
A sick feeling settles in my stomach, a heavy dread falling over me.
Is this it?
Where college drags us apart and I lose her?
I clench my fists.
I think the fuck not.
Carolina and I are lifers, friends until the end. I don’t give two shits what a future boyfriend or husband or any guy I’m going to hate who comes in the picture says about it. Carolina won’t have to worry about that on my end. There will never be a woman who breaks our bond, who kicks her out of my life.
Some might say that’s selfish of me, but I don’t care.
It’s not that I’ve forbidden Carolina to have a boyfriend. I can’t pull that shit. I just want her to hold back for as long as possible. I’m not ready to put up a fight to not lose her yet. It scares me too damn much.