Page 44 of Just Friends
I clutch her elbow and tug her away from the bar, and she’s talking shit as I walk us toward the exit.
“How much have you had to drink?” I question, swinging her around to face me.
She holds two fingers apart from each other and squints one eye to focus on them. “Just aweebit.”
“How much is aweebit?”
She wrinkles her nose, her hand dropping to her side. “I lost count at the third glass of champagne and second shot of …” Her finger goes to her lower lip, and she clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “Vodka maybe? It was something in a glass.”
“Jesus,” I hiss. “I leave you alone for five minutes.”
“Wrong. You left me alone forfifteen… with the sharks.” Thesharksare the overbearing women in her family.
I raise my arms, apology spilling over my face. “I was cornered on my way back!”
“People already think we’re lying about being together. Let’s just prove them right.” Carolina also gets snarky when she drinks.
I reach out my hand. “Come on. Let’s go to your room.”
She smacks it away. “Let’s getmeback to the bar, andyoucan go back to chatting with my cousin.”
Perfect.She saw me talking to Lindsay.
“We’re not doing this here.” I grip her hand, make sure she’s steady, and weave us through the people.
“Bye, Rex! Call me sometime!”
Carolina halts at Lindsay’s farewell. Knowing this might be a shitshow, I attempt to pull her away, but Carolina stands firm.
Lindsay is dumb enough to continue taunting Carolina, and she chirps out her words. “It wassonice seeing you and catching up. Want to hang out tomorrow? Grab breakfast?”
“Fuck you,” Carolina snarls, startling everyone. She points at me while holding strong eye contact with Lindsay. “You look dumb, hitting on a guy who’s coming tomyroom. He might’ve entertained your corner conversation for five minutes, but he entertainsmy bed.” She holds her middle finger up. “I win.”
I bite back my laughter. “Jesus, let’s get you out of here.”
Thankfully, she allows me to take her to the elevator, and her eyes are narrowed at me the entire ride. When we hit our floor, I take her key from my pocket and unlock the door.
“Entertain your bed, huh?” I ask as soon as we walk into the room and tilt my head toward the bed. “Is this the bed I’m doing that in?”
She falls back against the mattress and starts taking her heels off, tossing them across the room. “I have no idea what I meant, but it sounded better in my head.”
“It sounded like you told her I was going to fuck you in that bed of yours.” My cock hardens at the thought.
“I have no regrets. We’re dating, so it’s assumed we’re banging, considering you’re … well,you.”
“I won’t take that as an insult.” I clap my hands and rub them together. “Where are your pajamas?”
Her head jerks toward the dresser. “Folded in that thing.”
“Of course they are, you organized freak, you.”
“Hey,” she whines. “An organized life is a happy life.” She releases a heavy sigh. “When you were in the restroom, they asked me why I dropped out of school in sixteen different ways.” All the playfulness and snark in her tone has dissolved, sadness clouding her features.
“What’d you say?”
She shuts her eyes, a slow breath releasing from her chest. “My mind went blank. I might’ve said something about joining the circus.”
I stare at her in regret. “I’ll never leave you with those vultures again. Promise.”