Page 47 of Just Friends
Defended me.
I love and want Rex for all those reasons and more.
Who cares if it’ll change our relationship?
It might even make it stronger.
“We’re not teenagers,” he fires back. “There’s no acting like it didn’t happen. Shit has changed, and shitwillchange for the worse if we cross that line. I guarantee it.”
I pout my lips. “Please.I promise, no changing us.”
Rex has always had a weakness for my whining.
“No.” His voice is stern as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Come on. Let’s get your pajamas on, so you can get some sleep. You’re going to feel like shit in the morning.”
I was taught not to give up so easily.
I cross my arms. “I need a shower.”
He blinks. “Excuse me?”
“I need a shower.”
“Take a shower then.”
“Since I’m sodrunk, I probably need your help.” My imagination flickers to watching him in the shower earlier, and my skin tingles at the thought of us sharing one.
“Shower in the morning when you’re sober.”
“You can stop telling me what to do now.” I plow my hands into my hair before dragging the strands out. “I need to wash this hairspray out.”
“Stick your head in the sink and wash it out.”
“Um, negative. I might drown.”
He groans. “Fine.”
I grin.
He shifts to the side, making room so I can pass him, and I peek back to check that he’s following me and not making a run for it.
Let him run.
I have a key to his room, and I’ll just take a shower in his bathroom.
See how much he likes the idea of switching keys then.
He trails behind me … looking as though he’s on the way to a torture chamber instead of a fun shower.
That’s awesome.
I frown, my stomach twisting, and stop in my tracks, causing him to trip into me.
What if he truly doesn’t want to sleep with me?
What if he’s not attracted to me like that, and he’s using our friendship as a cop-out, as a vagina block?