Page 18 of Tryst's Temptation
“As I said previously, twice actually, everything is status quo as far as my trip to Yavaros and Altamira.”
Hertrip. Notourtrip. I waited for her to continue.
Jaicon’s eyes scrunched. “We didn’t finish our earlier conversation. You were still thinking over whether you’d be interested in consulting.”
“I’ve made my decision.”
She half smiled.
“I am interested.”
“I’m so pleased, Tryst. And, from what I understand, you have some experience.”
I shook my head. “Experience? No. None at all. I am but a lowly rancher.”
“Right. It’s all an urban legend, then?”
“What is?” I winked. Of course she was referring to Los Caballeros. I didn’t kid myself about the organization started by my grandfather’s ancestors. While we operated in relative anonymity, our “secret” society hadn’t been so in many years. Particularly to someone like a former MI6 agent.
Before leaving for Yavaros, there was another matter Jaicon and I needed to address. If I was to serve as a consultant to K19, I’d need to know where she planned to set up her main base of operation. While I often traveled to California, being gone for any extended period of time meant I should meet with the managers of the ranch as well as the equine rehabilitation program.
“There’s been a slight change in our itinerary,” she said, looking at her phone. “Ares sent an updated brief regarding what we’re referring to as the AMPS mission. Merrigan is requesting we travel to California rather than Yavaros or Altamira.”
“What can I do to assist?” I asked.
“Nothing I can think of immediately. While she didn’t specifically say, my guess is we’ll be there overnight, at least.”
“What about scheduling a flight?”
“Doc has arranged for a plane to pick us up.”
I raised a brow. “Just the two of us?”
“It’s a small aircraft—a Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet. They’re quite nice, with the added benefit of not needing a copilot.”
I was aware of the model she mentioned. While not a pilot myself, I flew in private planes enough to appreciate something as nice as the Vision. Then again, it came with a two-million-dollar price tag.
“One of the best things about it is how almost all the preflight checks are automated. Well, that and the visibility. Besides the F-22 Raptor, the Vision is my favorite plane to fly.”
“I had no idea you were a pilot,” I said.
“Former RAF. I flew F-15s as well.”
I shook my head in amazement. The woman was a marvel. The more I learned about her, the more she excited me.
The force of my desire for her was so powerful, it was all I could do not to walk up behind her, wrap my arms around her waist, and kiss my way from one side of her neck to the other. I closed my eyes and imagined sweeping her into my arms, carrying her into my house, and spending hours making slow, sweet love to her. If only she were mine.
I opened my eyes to find Jaicon standing close enough for me to reach out and touch her. I raised my arm, but dropped it. “My apologies. There’s something I must take care of at the barn.”
“Don’t,” she said when I turned my back to her.
“I’m sorry?” I said, glancing over my shoulder.
“Soul ties,” she murmured. “They’re powerful between us.”
I turned to face her. “They are, and sometimes…”