Page 23 of Tryst's Temptation
Doc and Merrigan invited us to spend the night in their home since the teams would not arrive at my ranch for two or three days. Having dinner with them felt like we were two couples on a double date rather than colleagues. A number of times, I thought about reaching over to hold Jaicon’s hand the same way Kade held Merrigan’s.
When it came time to go to bed, I longed to follow her into the guest room Merrigan had directed her to and sleep with her in my arms.
While I was tired, it took me some time to fall asleep as I lay in bed, fantasizing about the woman who captivated me endlessly.
Her smile, her laughter, and even the way she brought a glass of wine to her mouth, first breathing in its aroma, then taking a sip of the delectable beverage, all left me breathless.
I imagined the noises of pleasure she’d made as she lingered over the taste would be similar to those we would both make when I licked through her folds, savoring her taste like I did the wine. I fought against getting up, going to the room next door where I knew she slept, and climbing in bed, next to her.
In my fantasies, I’d find her naked. She’d turn her body toward mine and tell me how she’d hoped I’d come to her. I would take her lips, kissing her like I’d longed to since the first moment I met her. Jaicon would be needy. She’d demand I remove the boxers I slept in, and when I had, she’d wrap her hand around my hardness and spread her legs, begging for my touch.
As much as I’d want to enjoy how good it felt to have her stroke me, I’d remove her hand from my cock and shift my body so I rested between her legs. She’d beg to feel me inside her, but I’d force her to wait. First, I’d bring her pleasure with my mouth and fingers. After making her come again and again, I’d finally ease my steel-hard cock into her wetness. I wouldn’t rush, no matter how much she pleaded. I’d take my time, driving her to the point of a desire so profound that when I finally allowed her to orgasm, she’d scream out my name at the same time I did hers.
I used my own hand to release the sexual tension that would not allow me to sleep. I came hard, picturing Jaicon in the other room, doing the same thing.
When my gazemet hers the next morning at breakfast and she smiled, her eyes drooping, her mouth pouty, I was transported right back to the fantasy, wondering if she had thought about me while lying in bed alone.
“Good morning, Jaicon. How did you sleep?” I asked, wishing I could cup her cheek and offer my morning salutation with a kiss.
“Not that well. You?”
I half smiled and shook my head. “My mind would not let me rest. My body would not, either.”
Her eyes bored into mine. Was she wondering what I meant, or was her restlessness caused by the same thing mine was?
“We’ll be returning to your ranch today. I filed a flight plan for thirteen hundred hours. Do I need to delay for any reason?” she asked.
“I travel at your convenience,” I said, winking.
Jaicon smiled. “I was thinking of walking on the beach. Are you interested in joining me?”
“I would enjoy doing so very much.”
“How areyou feeling about yesterday afternoon’s news?” she asked once we arrived at the oceanfront park named for Esther Hammond, a philanthropist who’d owned forty-six acres of shoreline in the early nineteen hundreds. Upon her death, the land was given to the people of California and turned into a state park.
“I am troubled, as I’m sure you are. That the very people responsible for the horrors the innocent endured traveled among them, stayed at the ranch with them, is very worrisome. I am thankful nothing else happened while, at the same time, curious about the other three men who set out with the two who are now deceased. Were they traffickers as well or victims?”
“Both are possibilities. That there were other imposters in the containers with the victims is part of what kept me awake last night. If there were, they slipped right through our hands.”
A part of me wanted to ask what else had, but with the seriousness of her words, I could not be so flippant. “Making that determination will be difficult,” I said instead.
Unable to stop myself, I put my arm around her shoulders. “As Doc reminded Ares, many other intelligence professionals made the same determination—that the victims had been locked in the containers with no means of escape, therefore unguarded.”
“The two men executed in La Higuera likely knew therewasa way out. If there were other traffickers pretending to be victims, they likely did too. They would’ve saved themselves with no regard for the lives of the rest. Not that they believed those lives had value other than the money they’d make from enslaving them.”
“They were found dead in La Higuera and shot execution-style. I believe both points of information are significant,” I said.
“I agree, but I am interested in hearing your theory.”
“They were being watched, and the people doing it were familiar with the ranch’s security systems.”
“Which means they were already on the inside.”