Page 27 of Tryst's Temptation
“We’re ready to leave whenever you are,” he added.
I wasin the plane’s main cabin with Luisa Reeve until we reached cruising altitude, then I joined Zin in the cockpit so Press could be with her. When it came time for our descent, I returned.
“How are you holding up?” I asked, sitting in the seat beside Luisa.
She shrugged. “Okay. Thanks.”
“Press mentioned he informed you of the reason we left Mexico. If you have any questions or concerns, I’m available at any time.”
“Thanks, Jaicon.”
“And please, call me Jacy.”
“Again, thank you, Jacy. So, um, Press said you used to work for MI6.”
“I did.”
“Do you miss it?”
“What I do now isn’t terribly different. I once hoped to work with Fatale. You probably know her as Merrigan. Anyway, I expected she’d take over as chief. When she passed on the job, I was quite disappointed, to be honest. Working with her now makes up for it.”
“Wait, I remember Merrigan saying she left MI6 a few years ago.”
I cocked my head. “Yes.”
“Afewyears ago, I was still in high school. You don’t appear to be much older than me.”
“Thank you, but if that’s the case, I’m considerably older than you are.” I smiled. “I do hear that quite often. I’ve my mother to thank for my youthful appearance. The downside when I go out in the States is I’ve been accused of having a forged identification card.”
Luisa stared out the window. “Looks like we’ll be landing soon.”
“In advance of that, I’d like to brief you on what to expect.”
She turned toward me.
“A team will be joining us when we land at the Napa airfield. They will remain on your detail as long as necessary. It is unlikely you will be aware of their presence. However, you’ll be meeting them upon our arrival.” I handed her a cell phone. “I’ve programmed the necessary numbers into your new phone, including your sister’s and mother’s.”
“What about Jada? She’s my best friend.”
“Ah, Yáñez, correct?” I’d forgotten to enter that particular number.
Luisa nodded.
“My apologies.” I swiped the screen and entered her contact information.
“You know her number?” She seemed surprised.
“I’m afraid I’ve a photographic memory.”
“That would’ve been useful when I was getting my MBA.”
“There are times it’s a curse as much as a blessing.” It was actually far more often the former, but I didn’t need to trouble Luisa with that detail.
We exitedthe aircraft and approached the SUVs waiting to transport us to Press’ parents’ estate in Napa.
“Luisa, I’d like to introduce Patton Abrams,” I said.
“Most people call me Tank, ma’am,” he said, shaking her hand.