Page 44 of Tryst's Temptation
As I walked to the winery where our team meeting would take place, I remembered something I’d said at a previous briefing. I’d been referring to whoever had sent the first message to Luisa and vowed that he would not lay a finger on her under my watch. Instead, he’d gotten Jada.
“Hello, mind if I join you?” Merrigan asked, walking up beside me.
“Not at all. I should’ve thought to ask.”
She shook her head. “This is your team. You are its commander, and I’ve no intention of usurping your position of authority. Nor would I with Onyx and the Shadow Ops.”
“I appreciate it.”
“I’m going to shift into the role of your friend now.”
I raised a brow. “It makes me anxious when you preface whatever you’re about to say in such a way.”
She smiled. “Tryst.”
“Yes. Tryst. Well, whatever your question may be, I likely do not have an answer.”
“You care about him.”
“Not a question, but yes. I do.”
“And vice versa.”
“We’re, how shall I say this? Taking baby steps. Also, the timing of whatever it is, is horrible.”
She nodded. “You know my opinion of him.”
“If I remember correctly, he’s a god among men.”
“And you, Jacy, are a goddess.”
“Incoming,” I said, looking behind her.
“We’ll pick this up later.”
I shook my head. “We will not.”
After we entered the winery, Merrigan smiled and took a seat on the room’s perimeter.
The space filled with the men who’d been on Luisa’s duty in Napa, along with Doc and Tryst, who I was surprised to see. I said so when he approached.
“Jada is resting, and Kade suggested I join you. If you’d rather I didn’t—”
“I’m glad you’re here.”
When he smiled and took a seat, I walked over to Merrigan. “I invited Onyx, given he was part of the op yesterday, but he hasn’t responded. I sent the text last night.”
“I expected him as well. I’ll check with Kade.”
I returned to the front of the room. “We’re waiting on one more. Let’s give it another five minutes.”
My eyes met Merrigan’s, and she shook her head. I understood it to mean Onyx would not be attending.
“I take that back. Let’s get started.”
We reviewed the op step-by-step until we reached the part where Zin shot Al Zaabi.
“What do we know about how he was able to enter the building undetected?” I asked.