Page 48 of Tryst's Temptation
“Yáñez has no evidence against Los Caballeros or any of its members.”
“Are you certain?” I asked.
“Yes,” Kade answered for him.
“What about Al Zaabi’s death?” Brix asked.
“Taken care of,” Kade responded. “However, my recommendation is that Los Caballeros enter an extended period of inactivity.”
“I am in agreement.” This would also serve as an atonement of sorts for Zin. He would feel great guilt over putting thecaballerosat risk.
Before adjourning, I ask Laird, Kade, and the current members to step out of the room.
“Gentlemen, I am opening the floor for discussion.”
“We’ve weathered worse,” said Martin Barrett, repeating what he’d said when all were present.
“What about sanctions?” I asked, looking around the room. “Shall we take a vote?”
“Would you like me to leave the room?” asked Michael Oliver, Zin’s father.
“No. You will remain.”
He nodded.
“All those in favor of sanctions against Vaile Oliver?”
Not a single hand went up.
The decision was unanimous.
“You have honored the spirit and history of Los Caballeros, my brothers, and I thank you.”
It wasafter midnight when I returned to Angus House and went upstairs. I feared Jaicon would not be waiting in the bed we’d shared the night before, and was greatly relieved to see she was. This time, she was under the bedclothes.
After going through the same routine I had the night before, I crawled in beside her. Her back was to my front, and I put my arm around her waist.
“How did it go?” she whispered without turning to look at me.
“Montano has no evidence against the caballeros.”
“Burns worked his magic?”
“I’m glad.”
“As am I.”
I reached up and stroked her hair. “Sleep, beautiful girl, and we will speak more tomorrow.”
While her breathing evened out almost immediately, I lay in the darkness, troubled by the chasm I felt between us. Was it simply that the events of the last two days were more important than what we had? I couldn’t explain why it felt like more.
When I wokethe following morning, I was alone in bed and the sheets were cold. I checked my phone to see if Jaicon had sent a message and found one from Bones instead, asking me to meet him to talk to Jada. I showered, dressed, and walked over to the main residence.
Bones and I entered Jada’s room at the same time, and after telling her he thought she was well enough to be able to leave Butler Ranch, we discussed her options.