Page 52 of Tryst's Temptation
I looked up at her. “What happened?”
“Nightmares woke her several times. After a while, I just stayed in the room with her. Then she seemed to rest easier.”
“She felt your presence.”
“I think you’re right.” Lynne sat in the chair opposite mine. “What about you, Tryst?”
“I am unsettled.”
“That’s obvious.”
I smiled, appreciating the direct approach of the woman who hailed from Brooklyn.
“Hi,” said Jada, padding into the room.
“Good morning, little one,” I said, standing and pulling out a chair at the table. “Coffee?”
“Bless you,” she responded, taking the seat I offered.
“How’s your pain this morning?” I heard Lynne ask while I fetched a cup. I didn’t hear what else either said, but when I turned around, Lynne had left the room.
“She’s nice,” Jada said when I set the coffee in front of her along with cream and sugar. “You used to call me little one when I was a child. I’d forgotten.”
“You were very small.”
“Onyx used to call me the runt.”
“Oral or IM?” Lynne asked when she returned to the kitchen.
Like a few minutes ago, the women’s voices faded as my thoughts returned to Jaicon. I somehow knew her tears last night were not for me. Perhaps that was what had stopped me from approaching her. On the other hand, why hadn’t I been able to reach out to comfort her, even in friendship? I shook my head, feeling unlike myself.
I stood and looked out the window in the direction of thecasitawhere I knew she’d spent the night. I’d lingered in the darkness after I returned from the meditation center until I saw the lights of the golf cart approach and watched her go inside.
I’d known she was safe before that. I’d asked one of the men who worked security on the ranch to monitor the video feeds.
“There is a guest at the meditation center,” I’d said when he answered my call.
“I have my eye on her,” he responded. “I’ve got a couple of my guys posted nearby. No one will bother her,” he assured me.
I still remained awake until I was certain of it myself.
“Don’t be tootough on yourself now, when it isn’t necessary,” I heard Lynne say to Jada before leaving the room a second time.
“I agree,” I said. “There is no timeline for healing. Take it as it comes, and do not push yourself unnecessarily.”
She rested her chin in her hand. “I just want to get out of my head for a while.”
“When you’re ready, we’ll visit the meditation center. It will be a good place for you to do so.”
“Ready today or ready another time?”
I smiled. “When you’re ready.”
“The medication made me sleepy.”
“Then, you should rest.”
When Jada got up from the table, she leaned over and kissed my temple. “Thank you for bringing me here, Tryst.”