Page 71 of Tryst's Temptation
“Not yet, but soon. I promise.” I cupped the back of her neck with my palm and drew her closer, brushing her lips with mine.
When my cell phone vibrated with a tone I used specifically for messages from the barns, I broke our kiss. “My apologies. I need to make sure there is no emergency.”
While I read the message, she took a long drink of water.
Everything is ready for you, boss,the message read. I smiled.
“Good news rather than an emergency?” she asked, fanning her face.
“Were the chiles too hot?”
“No.” Since she didn’t elaborate, I didn’t pry.
“Are you finished, or would you like to order something else?” I asked.
“I’m finished.”
“There’s something else I want to show you.”
“Does it have to do with the project that’s taken much of your time?”
“Perhaps.” I tossed several bills on the table, hollered out to Dona Maria that we were leaving, and grabbed Jaicon’s hand. “Come,” I said, pulling her behind me.
The drivefrom the restaurant took twenty minutes. Once we reached the ranch’s main gates, I kept driving until we came to another that required I open it by hand. My earlier request had been for the brush to be cut back on the dirt road so I could navigate it in my truck.
I drove through, then exited the vehicle a second time to close the gate behind us. I anticipated Jaicon asking where we were going, but she didn’t. I glanced over at her and down at her hand, which was tucked under her leg.
She followed my gaze. “Sorry. I’ve always done it when I’m excited. You know, like Christmas morning.”
Rather than put the truck in gear, I reached over and pulled her close enough to kiss. “If I didn’t have to drive, I would probably sit on my hands with excitement too.”
“Don’t poke fun.”
“Believe me. I am not.” I put the truck in gear. “Hold on tight, my love. This will be a very bumpy ride.”
I glanced over at her a few seconds later, wondering if my use of the endearment upset her, but she didn’t appear to have noticed.
A few minutes later, we crested a rise in the road and our destination came into view. The house I pulled in front of looked as though it belonged more in Jaipur, India, than it did on a ranch in Mexico. However, every time I drove out here, I was struck by its beauty.
“Where are we?” Jaicon asked.
I cocked my head, laughed, and shrugged.
“I realized I don’t know how to describe it.”
“Okay. Well. It’s a house. A very beautiful house.”
I nodded slowly. “Thank you.”
“It’s your house, then, yes?”
“In a manner of speaking.”
When Jaicon got out of the truck, I did too. She met me halfway and put her hands on my shoulders. “Tryst, is thisyourhouse?”