Page 80 of Tryst's Temptation
Setting up the rooms of the house had been such a joy. I’d never experienced anything like it. Until now, everywhere I’d lived had been furnished, including the flat in London, except for the one room.
Thinking about it didn’t bring me the same pain it used to. I’d moved on from that time of my life with forgiveness and acceptance, thanks to Tryst.
We’d returned to the temple near Ciudad Obregón and purchased the twomurtiswe’d previously picked out, plus more for the meditation room we’d created in the house.
Tryst also taught me about Vastu shastra, the traditional Indian architecture based on ancient texts. I’d known some, like which direction would be the most auspicious for the house to face, but he explained more about how everything—design, layout, measurements, spatial geometrics, and arrangement—all worked together to create harmony.
He smiled when I told him I believed he was the one responsible for the harmonious life we’d settled into.
While the missions I’d worked in the UK, as well as the trafficking victims who were suffering at the hands of their captors, were always in the back of my mind, I couldn’t help but appreciate every moment I spent in the house we’d made ours.
I tried not to compare Tryst and my late husband, but the truth was, I was happier here with him than I ever remembered being with Edmund.
Life, love, and day-to-day existence were so easy with Tryst. While we didn’t always agree, our discussions about our differences of opinion were just that. We talked things through, then compromised. Honestly, I never dreamed life could be this good.
“Good afternoon, my love,” said Tryst when he returned from the riding center. Most days, I went with him, but I stayed behind today to prepare a surprise for him. I only hoped I could do Dona Maria’s secret recipe for chile relleno justice after she’d so graciously shared it with me.
He took a deep breath after we kissed. “It smells fabulous in here. What are you making?”
“A surprise, but it should be done in about an hour.”
“Does that mean we have time for a quick shower?” he asked, winking.
Given we almost always showered together, which meant we also ended up making love, an hour would be quick. We never rushed when we were in each other’s arms. We took our time, learning each other’s bodies and what brought us the most pleasure. Like life, I never dreamed sex could be as amazing as what Tryst and I shared. “I planned it so we could, my love,” I said. We shared terms of endearment freely with each other because that was what he was to me and vice versa.
Trystand I had just finished eating the best chile relleno he’d ever had, as he’d qualified it even after I shared it was Dona Maria’s recipe.
I was sitting at the kitchen island, watching the way his body moved as he cleaned up after insisting he do so since I’d made dinner. When my mobile vibrated with a call from Ares, I cringed. Given it was zero two hundred in the UK, it had to be something urgent.
“What’s happened?” I asked after saying hello.
“We’ve received intel about a trafficking ring operating in the San Luis Obispo area. The anonymous tip we’re currently trying to trace warned that the traffickers would have a presence at the upcoming fundraiser.
“The Wicked Winemakers’ Ball?” The event was less than a week away, and Tryst and I had discussed going but hadn’t made a final decision on whether or not we would.
“Affirmative. Can you mobilize a team?”
“Affirmative,” I repeated back to him. “I’ll make arrangements to travel to San Luis Obispo tomorrow.”
Tryst studied me with scrunched eyes when I ended the call and repeated everything Ares said.
“I’ve scheduled the large-animal vet to be at the riding center today. Many of the animals require annual vaccinations. I will call and postpone in the morning.”
“Don’t do that, Tryst. I’ll fly up in the morning and get started, then when you’re finished, you can join me.”
He walked over and pulled me to my feet. “I am not ready to be away from you. I’ve grown accustomed to us breathing the same air.”
I smiled. “It will only be for a day or two.”
I cupped each of his cheeks. “Perhaps we could make the time before I leave as fulfilling as we can.”
“I am in agreement, but there is something I want to discuss with you before we get started.” He winked.
He rarely preceded a conversation by saying we needed to have one. “What is it, Tryst?”
“I would like for us to be open about our love for each other, but I will not do so if it makes you uncomfortable.”