Page 69 of Owen
“You all right, man?” Ethan strode up to them and interrupted her.
What she was going to say next couldn’t wait, so she whispered the words she’d been holding in for far too long. “I love you.”
Owen’s attention had turned to Ethan. She had no idea if he’d heard what she’d said.
“I’m fine. Thanks for coming,” Owen said.
Then, Micky was there, too, standing alongside his son-in-law. All of them were talking at once. Her only comfort was that her and Owen’s hands were still joined. But even that didn’t last when police officers approached them with questions.
“I’m Detective Andrews,” a middle-aged man said. “What’s going on here? The 911 call said something about kidnappings and a drug connection. Who’s the woman you handed over to my officer?”
Owen gave a quick report of who Quinn was and what had happened to Sophie and Micky. Micky gave his own report of how they’d been held in the basement of the building and been freed when Owen showed up. Owen took the story back over with a succinct account of how he’d chased Quinn through the old factory and captured her on the roof before she could leap to the next building.
When he said that she’d shot at him repeatedly and would have gotten him if she’d been a better shot, Sophie cringed. She’d come so close to losing him. Everything in her just wanted to pull Owen toward her and never let go. She would soon.
“You’ll all have to come down to the station to give statements,” the detective said when Owen was done recounting what had happened. Detective Andrews had raised his eyebrows a few times but seemed to believe what he was hearing. “Do either of you need to go to the hospital?” He looked at Sophie and Micky who both shook their heads.
All Sophie needed was time alone with Owen. Had he heard her confessing that she loved him? The not knowing was tormenting her.
“I’ll drive them all to the station,” Ethan volunteered.
“I’m going to ask Mr. McCormick to ride with an officer, but if you’ll bring the others, that would be appreciated,” Detective Andrews said.
“We’ll meet you there,” Ethan responded. He and Micky were already headed toward the car, but Sophie’s hand was still in Owen’s, and she was in no hurry to let go.
“We’ll talk later,” Owen said, his voice low.
“Mr. McCormick.” A different officer approached. “If you’ll come this way, please.”
With a last squeeze of her hand, Owen walked away. She had no choice but to hurry to join Ethan and Micky. As soon as the car doors were closed, though, she couldn’t keep her concerns in.
“Why are they insisting on taking Owen with them?” she asked.
“Nothing to worry about, Soph. Standard practice,” Ethan said. “Owen chased a suspect and used a weapon in the process. They have to question him. It’s a formality.”
“Are you sure? What if he’s in trouble?” She was probably worrying for nothing, but she couldn’t help herself.
“He’s not,” Micky said. “I’ve gotten to ride in a squad car more than once because I was too close to a crime and the police wanted to check out my story. It’ll take time to make sure everything’s been processed by the book, but that’s fine—it gives us a chance to go over in detail what Wilson has been doing.”
Sophie settled into the backseat with a sigh, trusting that Micky was right. Quinn’s testimony should lead to an investigation of Wilson and his drug smuggler operation. It was over. They could all come out of hiding soon.
She should be gleeful, but the only thing that mattered to her was that Owen was safe. She repeated that to herself and relaxed a little bit. Before the day was out, they’d be together.
At the station, she only saw Owen in passing as she was led to an interview room. She caught a glimpse of him in another room with Detective Andrews just as the door was closing. They had a second of eye contact but that was it. Not enough to tell what he was feeling.
The officer she talked to was polite and listened to her story about her investigation. The officer took notes and then asked her to write it all out as well. She poured out everything she knew on paper. Finally, she was given the go ahead to leave along with a promise that the police would take it from there.
When she was released, she went to the lobby where Ethan and Micky were already waiting. Micky was anxious to get home, and Ethan wanted to return to Helen. Sophie told them to go, saying that she’d stay until Owen was done. She’d just seen them off when he appeared. He had a manilla folder clutched in his hand and his expression was tired, but he smiled at her—the carefree, charismatic smile that she’d come to love. Suddenly, everything felt like it was going to be okay. Her nerves and the tension she’d been carrying around dropped away as she went to him.
“Are you done?” she asked. “Can we go home?” She wasn’t even sure what she meant by home. Luna’s retreat? Her apartment? His? It didn’t matter. Home was wherever they were together.
He nodded. “Before we do, I want to show you something.” He glanced around. “In private. Maybe we could…what the hell?” His attention shifted to behind her. Sophie turned and couldn’t believe her eyes. Quinn was coming out followed by a man in an expensive suit, presumably an attorney.
“She’s being freed?” Sophie couldn’t believe it. “How is that possible? Shouldn’t she have been charged with something?”
Quinn caught Sophie’s eye and grinned, seeming to guess the questions she was asking. “You’ve just gotta know the right people. See you both later.”
“Hey,” Owen said to Quinn, “we had a deal. Remember, the story.”