Page 2 of Tempt
“You going to the lake?”Mike sits down on the couch next to me and takes the controller from my hand. I wasn’t even interested in playing the game, so I don’t attempt to get it back. I was simply looking for something to occupy my mind, so I didn't fight him on it.
Instead I stand and walk over to the fridge, grabbing out a bottle of water.
“Mom is keeping Sarah so Mad, and I are going for a bit.” He adds, still playing the game on the PlayStation. “It seems like everyone's going so I’m sure the chances of Kyra showing up are pretty high.”
With the mention of her name I feel my stomach sour. I hate the idea of anyone touching her, not that I have some claim on her. Liking someone from afar is a bitch, but that’s been the story of my life since I was thirteen. Since I first saw her in Sugarland Bakery, wearing the oversized hoodie and jeans. That angry girl is far from the one she is today.
It took years for her to come out of her shell, but my God when she did she fucking lit up Brooklet.
Her smile and those damn eyes, the problem has been that I’m not the only guy who noticed. She may be just shy of two years younger than me, but every guy in my class and even older found her intriguing. She never had a moment where she stood alone, and for years I’ve watched and waited.
That was my mistake.
“Kyra has a guy,” I say, doing my best to hide the disdain in my voice. Phil is not a man, and I cringe at the thought of her with him. Honestly I never once thought I’d be turned off when it came to Kyra, but I was wrong.
“Phil isn’t someone to worry about,” Mike says, finally putting down the controller and walking across my small apartment to meet me. Crossing his arms he leans back against the counter and offers me the same look he’s been giving me for years. He’s mastered the father stare, though I doubt he’s had to give it to Sarah yet, she is still a baby. He has practiced it on me though for years, so my niece better watch out. Her dad is an overbearing, protective man at heart. Part of me feels sorry for her when she is old enough to date. But the truth is I’ll most likely be right there with Mike standing guard and making threats to all the little assholes that show interest in my niece.
Mike can be over the top though. Cross someone in his family or look at his wife Maddison for a second too long and he is on your ass like honey. Fucker can be a madman at the drop of a hat.
Mike lost his biological parents at a young age, but my mom and dad spent five seconds with him and knew that he belonged with them. So after months of making things happen Mike came home with them, and the rest is history.
I couldn’t ask for a better big brother, he may piss me off and drive me nuts, but I know without a doubt in my mind I always have him on my side.
“You worried about Phil?”
I laugh, because come on, Phil is an idiot. The guy barely knows how to tie his own shoes. His dads been taking care of him his entire life and that still hasn’t changed. I wouldn’t be surprised if his momma still did his laundry and cooked his meals. “Nah,” I shake my head, “but I will say knowing he’s had his hands on her does change things a bit. Call me an ass, but the guy has been around the block several times and the places he’s landed haven’t always been the cleanest if you get what I’m saying.” I shiver at the thought.
“He did get picked up in Savannah during that back-alley hooker sting.” Mike chuckled.
“Exactly,” I say with a nod. “I guess I thought Kyra was different.” I won’t lie and say that it doesn’t sadden me to place her in a no-go zone. Mike’s right I have had her on a pedestal. She is the sweet innocent girl with the purest eyes and to have this tarnish her image saddens me.
“Do you think it's more because you’ve seen her as wholesome for years and now you’re disappointed she’s not so innocent.”
“Every time I look at her now, all I manage to envision is him doing the shit he’s telling everyone he’s doing to her.” I shiver and try to recover but Mike notices.
“You think I was the only guy Maddison had ever been with?”
“No,” I almost laugh when I notice his nostrils flare at his own mention of his wife’s past partners. “But none of them went around town telling tales either.”
“No, because I’m pretty sure Colt would have hung them in town square by their balls.”
That’s no joke, Colt, Maddison’s dad is about as bad as Mike. Punch now, ask questions later. When it comes to Maddison and Alexis, Maddison’s mom, Colt doesn’t think things through.
“I’m just saying, don’t let shit you don’t know ruin something you could have. I’ve been there, been so lost in my own issues that I almost let the best part of me go. I’m not saying that Kyra is that woman, but what I am saying is until you let go of your own shit you may never be able to find out for yourself.”
He slaps my shoulder and gives me a shove before he walks off toward the door, grabbing his keys on the way.
I don’t know how long after he’s gone that I remain exactly where I am, my mind rolling over his words. The vision of Kyra’s smile settling in my head, though lately I’ve done all I can to avoid her. Somehow telling her she’s scraping the bottom of the barrel seems harsh, but I can’t get over her, with him.
He’s got that kind of face you want to punch. Smug, arrogant, when in reality he is nothing more than a dirty asshole that can’t even take care of the two kids he has with two different women. He’s a get ‘em and leave 'em kind of guy.
Kyra deserves more, I just wish she saw that too.
* * *