Page 23 of Tempt
“You taste so sweet,” he whispers against my neck as he drags his tongue over the very spot my pulse races. “I can’t get enough of you.”
“Mmmm,” I whimper.
I want his mouth everywhere.
“Yes,” I sigh, chills covering my arms, and chest. My heart races, and my need for more ignites.
“Kyra?” I jump in surprise to the sound of Gran’s voice and in doing so, manage to spill practically the entire glass of wine down the front of my night shirt. The coolness makes me gasp and I jump up, smacking my shin on the coffee table in the process.
“Damn it!” I shout and Gran emerges from the darkened hallway in a panic. Here I am dancing around the living room, rubbing my leg and cursing under my breath.
“Kyra,” Gran says, her voice laced with worry. She flips on the light; I shield my eyes and stand tall.
“Um,” I hear her say and I blink a time or two to clear my vision. She is staring at me, looking me over with a grin.
“I’d ask if you peed yourself, but it looks more like you missed your mouth.”
I glance down and see the front of my shirt sticking to my chest.
“But then again I heard ya moaning out here so,” she glances around and I’m about to ask her what she’s looking for when she continues. “Where are you hiding the hunk?”
“I’m not hiding anyone,” I take in a slow deep breath. “And, I wasn’t moaning.”
My cheeks feel hot, and I ignore her stare. My God she is making me feel like a teenager.
“Honey, I know what moaning sounds like. I may be old but I ain’t dead. So if that man isn’t here, then that leaves you alone thinking about him. I’m all for a good fantasy, but you should probably stick to the bedroom darlin’. I love ya, Lord knows I do, but Gran shares this couch and well,” she shivers. “Let’s just keep the sexual fantasies to our bedrooms, for sanitary purposes.”
“Oh my God! You are ridiculous!” I throw my hands up in the air and walk off toward my room. Forgetting about the wine mess, and the fact that Gran is laughing hysterically behind me I close my door and fall back onto my bed. She is the blocker of all things good when it comes to Garrett, her timing sucks, and next time he shows up the first thing I am doing is gagging her and tying her to her bed.
I laugh to myself at the thought, thinking of all the naughty things she’d come up with in regard to that scenario.
One kiss and I am a hot mess.
Okay so more than one kiss but how in the hell did I get from normal to this form of crazy after kissing him? I’m hanging on the edge, and if I didn’t think Gran would hear me, I’d get rid of some of this tension that has built up within me.
But what I am afraid of is, if this continues I may hurt someone, or myself. It’s danger levels, damn near nuclear.
Turning over I bury my face in the pillow and scream.
I wonder if Gran would enjoy a week-long cruise by herself?
* * *
Exiting the house I wave to Mr. Wright, our neighbor who Gran has recruited as my watchdog while at home. The man is nosy on a regular day and now it's more weird. He watches me leave and come home, with his little beady eyes peeking at me through the windows.
I wish she hadn’t asked him to keep an eye on the house when she isn’t around. I half expect him to have his face pressed to my bedroom window when I enter after a shower. I’m not sure who is more creepy, him or Phil.
Ignoring the fact that I know he is watching, I continue on to my car through the misty rain and smile when I see the single rose pinned beneath the wiper blade. I pause for a second wondering when Garrett found the time to stop by and place it there. It's barely after four in the morning and I know he starts early at the farm, but stopping here is in the opposite direction. He would have had to leave extra early to drive across town.
Leaning over I grab the flower and immediately lift it to my nose, breathing in the fresh scent.
I’ve never really dated the good guys. None of them took the time to get me flowers, or surprise me with a sweet gesture. So this was a switch up, and a nice one.
Climbing inside my car I toss my bag to the passenger seat and then gently lay the flower across my dash panel. I’d have to find a small vase or something to put it in once I get to the bakery.
The entire drive is spent with a smile on my face.
When I pull into my normal spot the back door of the bakery comes open and both Gran and Casey are standing just inside. The rain is coming down heavier, no longer a mist, and I grab my things and rush for the back door.