Page 30 of Tempt
“Yes,” she pants as I push one finger inside of her. Instantly her hips begin to shift as she rides my hand. This is only managing to drive me further over the edge, but I’d give her all she needs and take nothing just to see the look in her eyes.
It's incredible, she is so beautiful.
“Oh my Go—,” the words fade as she shivers, and I feel her tightening around my finger. Using my thumb I begin to massage her clit, while she continues to ride my hand. I can tell she is close.
“Let go,” I encourage, wanting nothing more than to see her fall apart.
Leaning away enough to see her face, I watch as she bites her lower lip and looks up, before closing her eyes tight. “Mmmm,” she moans before her hips jerk once, twice, and continues until she shivers. Her body sags and I hold her up, still lightly gliding my finger in and out of her.
The sound of a bell can be heard in the distance, and I know that our time has come to an end. I start to pull back and she grabs my wrist as if to hold me in place.
“Baby, we have seconds before we’re interrupted.” My words penetrate her blissful haze, and her eyes widen.
Suddenly she is standing upright and buttoning her shorts. Her cheeks are still reddened from her orgasmic state, and it only manages to turn me on even more.
Just as she is pulling her tank top down into place the sound of Casey’s voice rings through the kitchen. “Put your pants on, I’m coming in,” Kyra steps into the doorway of the pantry, and the erection I was just sporting quickly disappears. Like I’ve said before Casey scares the hell out of me. Apparently she scares the horny out of me too.
“I was giving Garrett his pie,” Kyra blurts out and I hang my head and hold back my laughter.
“I thought it wasyourpie.” Casey says.
“You are so crass,” Kyra chastises her, and Casey only laughs. She is surrounded by dirty minded women.
“You might want to fix your hair,” Casey points toward Kyra. “It’s a bit tousled and it's pretty obvious you’ve just had a wild ride.”
“I did not,” she whispers yells at Casey, and it doesn’t faze her.
“Not that I blame you, because if my man looked like him, I’d be all over him every chance I had.”
“Casey,” she groans, covering her face with her hands.
“What?” She acts like she has no idea what Kyra is talking about.
Casey grabs a container of something off the counter and walks off leaving Kyra and I alone. I take the opportunity to step up behind her and wrap my arms around her.
“I swear her, and my gran have the dirtiest thoughts.” She says through her embarrassment.
“I don’t know, right now I’m having some pretty dirty ones myself.” I nibble on the side of her neck, and she laughs. “So about that pie,” I add, and she laughs harder, breaking the awkwardness and making my heart race for an entirely different reason.
This woman is digging her way right into my heart in a hurry. I wake up thinking about Kyra and fall asleep dreaming about her too.
It’s maddening.
“Come on,” she grabs ahold of the hem of my shirt and guides me to the counter. “Let’s get you that pie.”
She removes the pie from the warmer and places it in front of me. With two forks we share it as we watch one another and never in my life had I ever been so worked up. How can sharing a piece of pie with someone feel so incredibly sexual?
“The kitchen felt a little steamy earlier,”Casey says a little louder than she should have. Looking around I try to hide the embarrassment I feel. “I could feel the heat rolling off you two in waves.”
“Will you stop it,” I whisper yell and continue to clean up our booth. Fighting the urge to look around to ensure there are no other curious ears close enough to scoop a story or take what they hear to create their own.
“What?” She shrugs as if she isn’t saying anything out of the ordinary. For her I guess she isn’t, I swear she is a perverted adolescent boy trapped in a middle-aged woman’s body. She has no filter, finds nothing wrong with talking about sex no matter who may be around, and her obvious interest in Garrett is humorous at times, but I’d never tell her so. It's cute how he backs away from her whenever she enters a room.
“What’s this I hear about the kitchen heating up when there was no actual cooking taking place?”