Page 37 of Tempt
What in the hell was the purpose of his call?
I attempt twice more to call him and when the same thing happens I give up and call my mother’s phone.
“Garrett, we—,”
“What’s going on?” On a normal day I would never interrupt my mom or take on a stern tone with her, but something wasn’t right. That something had to do with Kyra, and I’ve noticed lately I have a real hard time holding my shit together in reference to her. The good, the bad, it all goes rushing through me like a fucking uncontrollable, you can’t run no matter how hard you try, tidal wave.
“Everything is okay,” and I already know it's not. She never would have started off that way if everything was “okay”.
“Mom,” the last thing I want is to raise my voice and piss off the one woman that has always been my number one cheerleader. I wasn’t raised to be disrespectful, but she is killing me. I know Kyra is safe, she is here, but damn it, Lily Mae isn’t. Fear cripples me as I wait for the one thing I desperately need to hear her say.
“Gran is safe.”
Relief washes over me and I allow my head to droop as I take in a deep breath.
“Sugarland was broken into sometime through the night,” she continues. “And whoever did it was familiar with the alarm system and location of the camera.”
Anger settled in my gut.
“We don’t know yet who did it.”
Even she didn’t sound so sure, and my mother isn’t one to pass blame easily.
“We know, Mom, there’s only one person that feels like he has cause for targeting Sugarland.” She remains silent, neither of us needing to say another word about who.
“How bad is it?” I turn around and lean back into the countertop and that is when I see Kyra standing in the hallway leading back to my room. Her arms are crossed over her chest, and the look on her face told me she’s heard more than I want her to. Her eyes are filled with tears, and she no longer looks at peace.
“Gran doesn’t want Kyra to know right now.”
“Too late,” I push off the counter and start to walk toward her. “We’ll be there soon.” I don’t give my mother the chance to argue. I wouldn’t keep Kyra from the one place I know she needs to be right now. Nothing I say to her will ease her mind; I know she’ll need to see her Gran for herself.
The entire ride over I hold her hand on the center console between us. If I had it my way she’d be right up against my side. In my opinion she’s too far away.
Pulling up in front of the bakery my heart feels like it sinks when the window that usually has the large lettering spelling out Sugarland, with the little bakers hat hanging off the top of the ‘d’ is no longer there. The entire front window is busted out and there is one of the stools that normally is at the front counter lays on the sidewalk out front.
Kyra pushes open the door and hurries toward the front with me practically chasing after here.
“Hold on girl,” Miles reaches out to stop her and she shrugs him away. I’venever seen such a hateful look on Kyra’s face before.
“We have to keep the scene secure.” Miles offers, “Things are still being investigated and documented.”
“Why?” Kyra throws her hands out to her sides. “So that you can tuck away what you find and keep Phil safe once again.”
Miles seems surprised as he looks between me and Kyra when I step up behind her. My girl is fuming, and I have no intentions of shushing her. “I don’t know what that family has over you, but it has to be one hell of a huge mess for you to continue to allow that piece of shit to harass women in town, even outside of Brooklet. You stopped doing your job in this town months ago, if not years. You kiss his dads ass, and bow down to their needs and wants.”
“Hey now,” Miles tries to calm her, but she is not having it.
“This place means the world to my gran, and it means the world to me. Phil Louder is responsible for this, I know it, and so does everyone else here.” Kyra narrows her eyes and stares directly at Miles. “What I’d like to know is why you refuse to acknowledge that you know it too.”
Kyra doesn’t wait for Miles to respond; she pushes past him and walks inside in search of her Gran.
“It seems like my father isn’t the only person that’s picked up on your extracurricular activities. What would your wife say?”
Miles narrows his eyes at me, but he doesn’t scare me. He’s too afraid to do his job, the bastard has got his balls in a vice at every turn.