Page 47 of Tempt
Part of me wants to punch him, but then I see a smile on Kyra’s lips and that irritation fades.
“What?” She asks.
“It’s always been him watching you from a distance, getting all pissy and broody when he saw you with someone. Idiot wasted years watching you date other guys, when if this ass would have opened his damn mouth the two of you could have already been ten steps further ahead than you are now.”
Kyra glances at me as if to ask if it's all true and I only nod. She knew I’d liked her for a while, but I’m not sure if she ever really got just how long, or how much.
“You can let the whole Gretchen thing go, that’s just Garrett riling Colton up. We all love to do that. Meathead gets all gorilla-like and his face gets red, it's fun.”
I wanted to tell my brother that Colton isn’t the only gorilla, but that fact is I could no longer pick at him, because I too have felt the urge to go all caveman a time or two since meeting Kyra.
I get it now.
“You two need to get your heads out of your asses and come to terms with what’s going on here,” he waves his hand at us. My brother isn’t always great with words, he tends to get all broody and demanding, and he sugarcoats nothing. All part of being a hard marine for years, he isn’t into wasting time.
“This thing between the two of you has been brewing for years. This is the first time I’ve seen his ass smile and laugh this much. For years we’d hassle him about getting the girl and now that he has you, he’s a new man. He’s finally getting it when we talk about how fierce we are with our women, he understands. Garrett is loyal, he’s got a heart of gold and Kyra he’ll treat you right, that’s for sure. Garrett is a good man.”
I stare at Mike, and for the first time I see a pride in his eyes I hadn’t noticed before. I find myself wondering how this moment has shifted so quickly.
Mike reaches out, slaps me on the shoulder and offers a squeeze.
“Now stop with the bullshit and kiss your girl already,” he gives me a little shove and walks off leaving us both to stare after him.
“I told you it was stupid,” Kyra finally regains my full attention and I turn back to find her watching me.
“Not stupid,” I assure her. “You got a question you ask; you got something on your mind you talk to me. Simple as that!”
She nods her head.
“Now how about that dance?” Sliding my hands around her, I pull her body into mine and dip my chin so that I can brush my lips over hers. She tilts her head back, giving me her mouth fully and just as our lips collide I start to sway.
Mike was right, Kyra has woken something inside of me. She’s found the happiness I had hidden, the hope I let die when I thought I’d never get the one girl I’ve always wanted.
She’s incredible, she is more than I ever expected and all I’ll ever want.
“Would it scare you too much if I told you that I’m falling in love with you?”
She shakes her head, and I press my forehead to hers.
“Good, because I am,” I kiss her once more and this time she reaches up to grab hold of my face, to deepen the kiss.
“Me too...” she whispers, “ too.”
My chest grows tight, and I know that things have just shifted. I can feel the heaviness in my chest, the weakening in my knees and the hold she has on me. Mike did me a favor, he opened the door for us to move forward. Even if it was a little grumpy and forceful, he shoved us both in the right direction.
My brother is my hero, for more reasons than just this.
* * *
“Turn around,” I say, barely holding onto my control.
Kyra wastes no time doing as I ask, turning her body to face the wall. Grabbing her hands I lift them above her head and with one of mine I hold them to the wall above her head.
Fisting my erection I nudge her and her legs part further, her back arching to give me better access.
The very second I feel her heat, the wetness inviting me, I push forward, and she gasps. We started at one another, barely getting inside my apartment. Clothes flying, hands everywhere as I knelt before her and devoured her until she was writhing above me. With her hands fisting my hair she came for me, and I can still taste her on my tongue.
“Oh God!” Her words echo over my living room as I push in deep and remain there, allowing her to adjust. Still every time we reach this point I feel like it's our first time. I get lost in her heat, her soft pants and moans, the way she tightens around me and shifts her hips.