Page 68 of Tempt
“Garrett thinks he’s got something good with you,” he moves even closer. “Bet he wouldn’t feel the same if I dirtied you up a bit.”
Bile rises in my throat, and I take a step back.
Phil grins, a creepy one, his yellow teeth almost glowing in the light of the hall.
“You and I never got our time,” he adds. “I think it's time that changed.” When he advances on me I go into fight or flight mode and start swinging. My hand making contact with his face, I loud slapping noise echoes before he grabs my wrist. Only I don’t stop, I thrash, kick and use my hips, hearing him grunt with every contact I make. I scream because in that moment I feel like my life depends on it. I scream until my throat is on fire, and then I scream more. When Phil tries to cover my mouth I bite his finger and he yelps.
His hand makes contact with my cheek and the impact makes my eyes water.
“You can fight me all you want,” he shoves me backward and I collide with the wall. “But this is going to happen.”
I turn and try to run, but he grabs for my waist, and I fall to the floor.
He grabs my ankle and I kick and kick, refusing to give up. I’d die before I let him have what he’s come for.
“Hey,” I hear someone's voice and Phil turns around to look back over his shoulder.
My creepy elderly neighbor stands in the open doorway, and I’ve never been more happy than I am right now to see the crazy pervert.
“Let go of her,” he demands, holding his phone up. “I’ve already called the cops and they’ll be here any second.”
Phil only laughs, still holding my ankle and pulling me toward him. My body sliding along the hardwood floor, my heart racing, fear crippling me.
“Close the door, unless you wanna watch,” Phil says no longer looking at my neighbor. When he reaches for his waist and starts to undo his buckle I scream again and kick out hard. Both legs going crazy I figure this is my last chance. The heel of my left foot makes contact with Phil’s cheek, and it dazes him as he falls back, shaking his head.
That’s when I jump into action. Running to Gran’s room at the end of the hall I slam the door and try to pull the dresser over in front of it. But a loud crash collides with the other side, and it comes open enough that I can see Phil through the crack.
Suddenly the sounds of sirens grow louder and louder and the banging on the opposite side of the door stops. I stand alert, using my weight to hold the dresser against the door. I’m too scared to back up. My hands shake, my chest feels so tight I can barely breathe and my legs tremble.
There is a scuffle, a loud thump followed by groaning.
Then silence.
I can’t move.
Tears run along my cheek, as I wait.
“Kyra,” someone says my name from the other side, but I still can’t move. My legs feel so heavy. My face tingles, my body shakes so bad, I swear I can hear my teeth chatter.
“Kyra,” Again my name is spoken from the other side of the door. “It’s Sheriff Richards.”
I hear him, but I still can’t seem to react.
“Phil’s contained, and it's safe now.”
At this moment I’m not sure I’ll ever feel safe again.
The secondI turn onto Kyra’s road I see the flashing lights and I swear my world stops. I push harder on the gas as I speed up and whip my truck into the driveway.
Jumping out I don’t even take the time to turn off the truck or close my door.
I make it onto the first step of Kyra’s porch when an officer fills the doorway with Phil in tow. The side of his face is swollen, his lip bleeding and all rationality goes out the window. I lose control, my body going into motion without a single thought.
I don’t consider the consequences because all I can envision is the piece of shit hurting Kyra.