Page 11 of Kissing My Crush
I gather my things and make my way to the shower where I take a little extra time to regain my focus.
After Tyler kissed me silly on the balcony last night, I managed to keep my distance, but that didn’t stop him from watching and offering me his cocky smile he’s known for. I know he knows there is no denying it any longer. He’s seen right through my facade and the safest bet for me now is to keep space between him and myself.
Walking out of the bathroom I find everyone gathered in the common area and I join them.
A fruit platter, mimosa’s, pastries and even pancakes had been delivered to our suite. My stomach instantly growls when I scan over all the food.
I grab a piece of watermelon and a drink, ignoring the curious stares I know are on me. I’ve known these ladies for years through Audrey, and rarely does anything get by them. I guess I’m just afraid of the questions because I honestly have no answers for them.
“Anyone besides me waiting for Amara to explain last night's disappearing act.” Audrey says with a little laugh as she takes a seat at the table next to me. “I know I’m not the only one that heard you sneaking out.”
“I think what we all need to be focusing on is a wedding,” I try to revert the attention back on Audrey and it doesn’t take long, thank goodness.
“I can’t believe today my little sister is getting married,” Charlie wraps Audrey in a hug and they share a moment. Crisis averted, and I don’t have to even attempt to explain something I don’t even understand myself.
It’s better I think about it another day, because today is for Audrey and Lincoln, it’s their day.
* * *
“You need to eat, Auds.” I nudge Audrey’s leg with my own. “No way are you passing out on my watch.”
“Excuse me. I thought you were my hairdresser and makeup artist, not my life coach.” Audrey sticks her tongue out at me, the corners of her mouth tipping up in a smile.
“For your information, my cosmetology license explicitly says I’m both.”
Charlie laughs at her sister and wags her fingers at her. “Girl, you should know better than to argue with your stylist before you turn her loose on your hair. Besides, she’s right. You picked at your dinner last night and youhaven’t slept well since we’ve been here.” We all watch as Charlie fills her sister's mimosa glass.
Audrey takes a moment and then agrees with her.
“So, what time did Lincoln finally get in last night?” Lorelei asks. “Jasper said the guys went to bed after they finally got booted from the bar. That was at two-thirty, and he still wasn’t here.”
“I’m not sure. He stopped texting when he got to the Georgia-Florida line.” Audrey took a drink of her mimosa and looked around at all of us. “He didn’t want to keep me up.”
Keep her up my ass, he hasn’t cared what he’s put her through these last couple of days. He hasn’t considered the stress she’s had to deal with.
It pisses me off, but I choose to keep that all to myself. My anger toward my cousin won’t help Audrey and it won’t ease the tension I know she has felt. So I continue to smile and pretend.
“I can’t believe today is the day. We’re going to be cousins.” Though I have felt like Audrey, and I are already related.
The conversation quickly takes a turn when the topic switches over to the hot bartender from the resort car. His name is Decker and from what Adeline said last night, he is worth spending a little time getting to know.
I feel for her I do; her father is a lawyer in Charleston, and he is all about her marrying some rich socialite, maybe the Governor’s son so she can securehispower through marriage. Adeline is sweet and kind, she is nothing like her father and its sad really because she just wants to live her life and be happy.
I’m thankful that my father is nothing like hers. My parents are very happily married, sometimes so much so that it is embarrassing how much they dote over one another. I have teen twin sisters, Leah and Lauren who can be exhausting at times, but I do love them dearly and my brother Tucker who has recently turned twenty-one and in that sowing his wild oats stage. I hope one day he realizes it's not about quantity but the quality that truly matters when it comes to women. He is such a bachelor it’s disgusting.
“Oh!” Lorelei grabs her phone and checks her message. “Jasper says the guys are up and Spencer is headed to the honeymoon suite to corral Linc. Then they’re going down for breakfast.”
Nervous energy fills my stomach when I think of once again being so near Tyler. But avoiding it is impossible because only a few hours from now we will be walking down the aisle together and then at the same reception. He managed to make me weak to the point of admittance last night and now there is no way to deny that I feel something for him. Hell, we were practically mauling one another on the terrace before the moment was broken and I was able to make a quick getaway.
Now I feel like if I’m within a few feet of him I just may tackle him to the floor and dry hump him as Claire so eloquently put it.
I need to call her and fill her in, but then again I’d be forced to hear her say I told you so and right now I’m not sure what Ty is offering will go beyond this weekend. Ty has never been a one girl kind of guy and my heart couldn’t take it if a week from now he decides that he and I are a no go.Thatis what I fear the most out of all this, the aftermath if it all blows up in our face.
“In a few hours I’m gonna be a married woman,” Audrey squeals out of nowhere and we all laugh.
My own stomach does a nervous flip for her. “Then we better get your beautiful auburn hair finished up.”
“Everything is set up over there.” I motioned for her to sit down in the chair I have ready for her.