Page 19 of Kissing My Crush
And with that they are gone, and Lauren and I are left staring after them.
“What just happened?” Lauren asks after a few silent seconds.
“That was your evil twin making it pretty much impossible for me to avoid the one guy that I know could break me.”
Suddenly I feel exhausted, and I know I have hours ahead of me. I may have said I would do Lauren’s hair but that only meant I would be doing something to Leah’s too. They are a package deal, with one comes the other and they will have me here all night.
Don’t get me wrong I love spending time with them both, but from the looks of it, Tyler will be joining us.
I’ll be forced to filter Leah’s comments and fight the tension and attraction I feel in his presence. After tonight I may need to take a day or two off to recover.
Welcome to my life with two teenage girls and a guy that seems to have no intentions of making this situation easy for me to escape without battle scars.
“So what do you want from my sister?” I glance across the cab of my truck to see Amara’s younger sister giving me the type of stare that I’d expect from a protective father.
“How old are you?”
Crossing her arms over her chest she continues to hold my stare. “Old enough to know what ultimate bachelor with a revolving door means.”
“Excuse me?”
“Calloway isn’t that big of a town Tyler, and people talk. Besides Missy Morgan has a very big mouth and she talked about how you and her older cousin had a little ‘fun’,” she says the word fun while making quotations with her fingers. “In the backseat of her SUV a few months ago, then you walked away and never called her again.”
I turned into the first available parking space in the square then placed my truck in park.
“Then there was Payton Rhoades, Julianne Phillips and yeah, um, shoot, what was her name.” She places her finger to her lips like she’s deep in thought.
“You know that redhead that was here for the summer staying with her aunt.”
This kid is a bigger smartass than Spencer.
“Ah, Shelby Cooper, old man Cooper’s granddaughter. I heard that one went south for you real quick when he came home to find the two of you half naked on his back porch.”
She’s managed to recap the last few years of my life in a few sentences. Somehow hearing it come from a teenage girl's mouth, makes my stomach sour.
“So, like I asked earlier, what do you want from my sister? Because Amara isn’t a one-night stand kind of girl. She has a huge heart, and that heart will break if you aren’t careful with it. She tries to be tough, tries to pretend that it doesn’t hurt and someone that doesn’t know her that well may fall for her charade. But someone that knows her, and loves her can see right through it.”
“I think this is a conversation I should have with Amara.” Fuck this kid is a bear, and she is two-seconds from chewing my arm off.
“Or you could have it with me. Unless you want me to invite my dad, maybe my brother, I’m sure they'd be interested in your response to my question too.”
I stare at this girl, feeling like I’ve just been tossed around by the world's strongest windstorm. Baffled by her sass I can’t help but feel proud because she is fierce, and that shit will carry her far.
“Those women you mentioned weren’t looking for anything more than what we had in the moment.” How do you tell a kid that you had an itch to scratch and that was the sole purpose of being with those willing women that had the same kind of itch? Or a firefighter fetish they wanted to live out. Whatever it was they went in understanding what the outcome would be.
“Hmm,” she grunts and leans back in the seat. “You have an itch to scratch, maybe you need to find a different woman to scratch it. Because I can promise you one thing, if you use my sister I’ll put every single shotgun lesson my daddy ever gave me to the test. He says I have one helluva shot.”
“I bet you scare away all the boys at school?” I chuckle because honestly I’m a grown ass man and I’m a little scared.
“Ask Mark Hendricks where grabbing my ass got him,” she shrugs. “I don’t feel an ounce of shame for making his nose bleed, or for kicking him in his nuts.”
Poor Mark Hendricks, but I guess he should have known his limits.
“Just tell me one thing and I’ll let this go for now.”