Page 2 of Kissing My Crush
So many nights I’ve fallen asleep allowing myself to imagine Ty in bed next to me. I’ve spent half my life watching him date and give other girls and women his attention. I’ve always been the younger girl, the annoying little tagalong cousin. Linc never liked me being around, but Liam, he never made me feel as though I didn’t belong. With Linc and Liam came Tyler, and he has been my object of affection from the very first time I met him. Tyler Collins was the first boy that ever made my little heart race. To me at that age, boys were annoying and gross, but Ty, he made everything feel different.
Those feelings never changed, they only grew stronger and not once have I ever said a word to anyone but Claire about them.
The fear of rejection was much too strong. The worry I had of making things awkward overpowered my desires.
“Are you going to drink those?” I ask as I point to her two new shots the waitress just sat in front of Claire.
“I think if you drink those you're going to end up flat on your ass.” She dips her chin a bit, and says. “Although, that may get his attention.”
Ignoring her once more I grab one and down it, and go for the second but she beats me to it. “Seriously Amara?” She shields me with her outstretched arm.
“What?” I huff in irritation. “Should I go over there and start humping his leg?”
“I’d maybe start out with a, hey, how ya doing.” Claire is trying not to laugh. “Then a little laugh, maybe press your hand to his stomach or chest in a flirtatious manner. If you go right for the humping I think maybe that will set the precedence for the rest of your relationship.” She shrugs. “He’ll expect the dry humping every time, and well who wants to do that in Church or at a friendly dinner.”
“I really want to lock you in a trunk right now.”
She laughs knowing she’s got me right where she wants me. Breaking through my near panic attack with her humor.
“Can we just dance or something?” I need a minute to focus on anything other than Tyler.
“Whatever,” Claire says with a shrug, tipping back her shot, before slapping the empty glass onto the table. “If we must.”
Standing I sway a little and she laughs, reaching out to steady me. “I’m good,” I say assuring her but knowing I’m way more drunk than I initially thought. “Oh I love this song,” I start to move toward the dance floor and spend way too much time focusing on each step. Ignoring the giggling of Claire I make my way to the crowd of people and start to sway my hips. Feeling incredible, I give in to the haze and enjoy the relaxed feeling of my body. Desperately needing my mind to drift away...
Several songs later and feeling so much more brave than I had thirty minutes ago I turn and start to walk away; hearing Claire holler my name. My sights are set on one man in particular. I continue to remind myself of Claire’s words with each step. I’m no longer a child, I am a swan.
“Amara,” Claire covers my hand with her own, giving me a little tug and I pause looking back. “You aren’t going to hump his leg are you?”
“Who knows,” I shrug knowing that if I was sober I wouldn’t be doing anything at all.
Turning back around with every intention of continuing toward Tyler I am surprised to find him standing right before me. I stumble in surprise, and he reaches out to grip my waist.
“Whoa,” Tyler offers me a smile.
I’m flush to his chest and the smell of his aftershave surrounds me. I allow my eyes to flutter shut as I breathe him in. Placing my hand to his chest I try not to whimper when I feel how solid he is beneath my fingertips.
But he feels so incredible and without being able to stop it, my body reacts to our closeness. Leaning into him, I press my chest to his and look up into his dark hazel eyes.
“Amara,” the way he says my name, a deep soothing whisper, is incredibly sexy and does things to my body from head to toe. “Are you having a good time?”
I know it's my drunken haze, but his question feels likesomuch more than the average inquiry. That mixed with the feel of his hands settled on my hips, feeling of our mingling breaths, it’s allsoconsuming.
Without thinking it through I lift my hand and trace over his jaw with my fingertips. He leans into my touch, his eyes closing for only a few seconds and when they reopen he holds my stare.
“I’ve been dreaming about doing that for years.” I confess, all my fear suddenly disappearing.
I’ve never in my life wanted another person more. I’ve never had such intense dreams about the same person over and over... craving to live those dreams out in detail. My body loses all control when it comes to Tyler, and I know if I was sober none of this would be happening. So I figure, what the hell, why not just go with it.
“I’ve been dreaming about you.” I can tell that Amara is drunk and I know I should stop her, but this is the first time she’s ever allowed me to be this close to her without shying away. I’ve known her for years and she’s always so hard to read. Hiding behind her nervous comments at the most random times. She’s always pretended to be one of the guys when she was around until recently, lately she’s grown quiet whenever I walk into the room. When I do attempt to talk to her she looks anywhere but at me, and I’m at a loss of what to do or say to get us out of this awkwardness we’ve found ourselves in. So this, is a nice change.
“So many dreams...” her words barely a whisper. Long gone is the controlled and withdrawn version of this beautiful woman.
“What kinda dreams?” I’m an ass, but seeing her like this, with her guard down is addictive. I know I won’t have many chances to break through her barrier other than the one that’s presented itself.