Page 25 of Kissing My Crush
“Now you’re just making fun.” I push on his chest, but he grips my hand and pulls me in closer. The rain has let up, and the cool breeze moving through makes me shiver.
“You've got to stop thinking I’m feeding you full of shit woman, I don’t say shit I don’t mean. You should know that by now, you know me, you know who I truly am, aside from the stories people decide to tell. You know I don’t do something I don’t want to, and you know I don’t lie. If I tell you that you flip me all around inside, then I mean that you have me tied in fucking knots. There is no reason for me to lie.”
“You just want to get me naked,” I try not to smile.
“Well, I definitely want to get you naked, again,” he winked. “But it's also the truth.”
I take in a deep breath, toying with his shirt, that is slick from the rain.
“We can do this however you want to, but you gotta know that I’m not letting you push me away. I’m fully prepared to fight you until I win, but it would be so much easier if you’d stop being a pain in my ass.”
“Oh, I’m the pain in the ass?”
“Well, you have been ignoring me like a toddler and refusing to admit that you want to see where this will go, just as much as I do.”
I narrow my eyes, “A toddler.”
“Yeah, babe, it's bad,” he shakes his head as if disappointed. “I expected you to be much more mature than that.”
“For someone that’s trying to convince me to take him home with me you are really killing your chances.”
“Take me home with you ?”
“Oh so that caught your attention,” I roll my eyes. “You are not helping your case.”
“For one, you are the one that suggested it, and two, I am a guy.” He shrugs, making me smile. “And three, I’ve been waiting for another chance to see if I can break the record.”
“What record?”
When he leans in close, he nips at my ear and chills cover my body as my nipples harden. “Three babe, three times I felt you fall over the edge when I was inside you. I’m betting I can make it four,” and he pulls back with a smirk on his face.
So cocky. But I am a sucker for his arrogant side.
“But it's your choice,” he steps back, and I immediately miss his warmth. “I’m okay with whatever you choose. We can keep playing this crazy fucked up game you’ve got yourself trapped in or you can give up and admit that you and I are real good together. I vote for the latter, but the ball is in your field.”
I stand in the middle of the parking lot of Miller’s bar. Staring at Ty, his hair slicked back from rain as he watches me and waits...
One decision, and it's all mine. I can give up on this fear I have and dive in. I can for once stop analyzing everything that could go wrong and focus on whatcouldgo right.
“What’s it gonna be Mar? Because if you tell me this isn’t gonna work then I need to up my game and figure out what I can do next to prove you wrong.”
“Why does this mean so much to you?”
“Because for the first time I don’t want this to end,” he doesn’t even hesitate. “I’m not looking for a way-out Amara, I’m fighting for a way in.”
Stepping in toward me once more, he grips the back of my neck and brings me in for a kiss. I accept it because honestly I love it when he holds me to him like this. I love it when he gives me no choice but to feel him.
“Stop making me fight,” he whispers against my lips and my chest grows tight. “We can take this at whatever pace you need to, but please just give it a chance.”
This is not the way I saw things going.
“If we do this, it could get complicated.” He rests his forehead on mine. “Audrey is still going through a rough patch; Liam is pissed off more than he is not. I have no idea what is going on with Lorelei and Jasper, but something is off, and Adeline never came home, then there’s Charlie who is doing everything to be by her sister's side while at the same time dealing with Spencer’s continuous–” Tyler kisses me, I assume to shut me up.
“Then we keep this between us, for now.” I consider his suggestion and it seems like the best option.
“Okay.” I say in return, and he pauses staring at me like he may have heard me wrong.
“Okay, okay?”