Page 29 of Kissing My Crush
Locking the door, I turn around and start toward my car, pulling it out of my bag.
Ty: I have one more night before I have to return to the station. Are you free?
Butterflies fill my stomach and I pause at the side of my car and type out a response.
Me: What did you have in mind?
Last night did not play out like I thought it would. When Tyler climbed into his bed with me he offered me several kisses then rolled over on his side, and we spent hours talking. He talked about some of the calls they’ve had at the station. Both legitimate and those crazy ones that unless you saw them, you’d never believe them.
I can’t remember a time I laughed so hard.
I don’t even know what time it was when we both finally fell asleep, but I woke up to him sitting on the side of his bed, holding a cup of coffee for me.
A few more kisses, and a drive to my apartment, before he dropped me off at my door.
Ty: Me, you, food and drinks, your place or mine. Movie, popcorn on the couch, lots of kissing, and if I’m really lucky you’ll let me make it to second base.
I laugh at his message.
“Are you laughing at my plans?”
I spin around to find Tyler standing a few feet around on the sidewalk, as he continues toward me. It's dark outside and I hadn’t even heard him.
“Second base?” I ask, as he steps-up to my side and leans in to kiss my lips. Softly, and much too short, he pulls back and leans against the side of my car.
“I didn’t want to be too presumptuous,” He shrugs his shoulders.
“You can presume,” I say feeling a little brave, and I move in front of him and grip his shirt at his waist. Lifting myself I press my lips to his and he circles my waist with his arm, pulling my body in tight. Our tongues mingle, and I may have rubbed up on him a little more than necessary, but I can’t seem to control it.
When he growls out a pleased moan I bite his lower lip and give a little tug.
“So is that a yes to second base?”
I step back and smile so big it hurts my cheeks. “Depends on what you are bringing me for dinner.”
“Give me thirty minutes and I’ll be at your doorstep.”
“Wait,” I say to his back, and he stops turning around to face me with his keys in his hand. “Where are you going to park your truck?”
“Amara,” he tilts his head to the side. “I’ll park around the back, no one can see it from the road, and most won’t pay attention when it's mingling with all the other cars.”
I nod in agreement, knowing that if anyone stopped by they’d pull in the front parking lot. I just want to keep this to ourselves for now.
“You get the movie?”
“I have Netflix,” I tell him, and he nods. “But I still get to choose.”
I wasn’t sure we’d even make it to the movie section of our evening but it’s there if we need it.
I drove home feeling giddy and nervous.
Pulling up at my apartment I am disappointed when I see my dad’s truck idling on the curb. All the excitement I felt moments ago comes to a screeching halt when I worry myself sick over what this visit could possibly mean.
My brother is annoying with his need to protect, but my father, he is impossible.
“Hey kid,” He says when I climb out of my car.
“Hey,” Grabbing my bag, I toss it up over my shoulder. “What’s up?”