Page 31 of Kissing My Crush
“Seriously, you act like I’m nailing anything with legs on a daily basis."
He shrugs.
“As far as I know you are the only one that managed to go away for a weekend wedding and got himself laid by a random stranger.” And we’ve come full circle back to this. “What did you do, pick her up in the hotel lobby, or was it on the beach?”
“You have no idea what you are talking about.” I’m not doing this with him.
“I heard you two, that shit was loud.” He grins widely, “There is no way you are convincing me you were alone in there if that’s your plan. There was some feminine squealing mixed in with your moans.”
I’ve grown irritated with how my sex life has become such a popular topic.
“If anyone is going to be the one to nail a nameless chick it would be you.” He chuckles like he has me all figured out and it infuriates me. I’ve been classified as this pig of sorts, and it’s finally come to a head.
“It wasn’t some random fucking girl you asshole,” I stand up and the chair I was sitting in falls backwards. “It was Amara."
The minute I say it I regret it. Liam doesn’t deserve my honesty right now. But it's too late and I’m still irritable.
“I’m not some fucking whore just because I haven’t committed my life to one woman, that doesn’t make me easy.”
He holds my stare, and I don’t know if it's because he is seconds away from hitting me in the face, or that he’s still shocked by my confession, either way it doesn’t stop me.
“I don’t see you married with kids.” Placing my hands on my hips, needing to do something with them. “Why am I classified as a fucking pig, but you are just, Liam.” I don’t allow him to answer. “So I slept around, I never once tricked any of the women into thinking it was more. I’ve kept things clear; I’ve told them it was nothing more. They willingly participated so it is what it is.”
He finally responds, “And now?”
I’m thankful he seems calm. Chief would bench us both if we broke out in a fist fight in front of our station.
“And now things are fucking different.” That is all I give him, as silence settles in over us. Me standing, Liam still sitting in his chair.
Until Liam speaks again, his words surprise me.
“Why in the hell didn’t you just tell me it was Mar weeks ago?” He is unexpectedly calm.
“Because you're a dick who thinks that I’m some prick that bangs anything with tits and I was pissed at your opinion of me.”
He chuckles and I finally relax, picking up my chair and righting it.
“So, Amara.” He adds as I sit back down next to him. “You think you’re gonna convince her to give you a shot?”
“Already did,” I finally smile thinking of her asleep in my arms last night. “But for now we’ve decided to keep it to ourselves. She doesn’t think there’s any reason to add in the pressure of everyone’s questions and concerns. When the time's right, everyone will know.”
“So I’m the exception to this secret?”
“No, you are just a dick, and we aren’t gonna tell Mar that you forced me to tell you.”
“I didn’t force shit; you just blew a gasket and spilled your secrets. Such a fucking girl,” he grins.
Suddenly the alarm is ringing, and we are both up and rushing to our turnout gear, loading up on the truck. Everyone climbs in and we pray that this isn’t the time this piece of shit truck decides to give us fits.
When it roars to life we all let out a hoot and then sound the siren as we set out to our call.
* * *
Me: You awake?
I could have called her, but it's so late and I didn’t want to wake her. When my phone vibrates almost immediately with a reply I can’t help settling in to my cot and repositioning my pillow so I can read it.
Amara: No