Page 33 of Kissing My Crush
“Hey sleepyhead,” he grins, and I am baffled. I must be dreaming, there is no way he is here.
“How are you feeling?”
Looking around the room, I notice that the blinds and curtains are all drawn, giving me privacy from the midday sun.
“You do know your text scared the shit out of me.” He adds, regaining my attention.
I watch as he lifts his phone and starts to read.
“Woke up hanging on the edge of death, I won’t be at the shop today but if something happens to me it's all yours. Make sure I look good at my funeral.”
He looks back at me, arches his brow and purses his lips and it's then I realize he got a message that was not intended for him.
“That should have been sent to Hannah,”I try to explain. “She would have gotten the charm.”
“You call that charm?” He finally lets go of the stick up his ass look and leans over moving the hair from my face. “I showed up at the salon, and I think I terrified Hannah. She stood in the middle of the place holding a hair brush in one hand and some type of curling thing in another. We stared at each other then she finally broke and I was lucky it was just her there.”
I can’t help but laugh imagining the entire thing.
“I showed her the text, she calmed me down then offered me a spare key to come check on you myself.” I find it sweet how he rushed around just to see me.
“I’m better now,” I shrug, finally feeling a little less like a football field full of drummers weren’t beating on my head. “Sorry to freak you out.”
“That message was a bit dramatic.” He dares me to argue so of course I do.
“You weren’t the one with the exploding headache,” I slide back, taking my blankets with me. “I could barely move, feeling like I was going to either get sick or force my loved ones to scrape my brains off the wall.”
He chuckles, “That is quite the visual.”
His smile forces mine to expand, because for the first time since I woke up he isn’t staring at me in a panic.
“I need to shower and get into the salon.” I start to move, and he grabs for my hand.
“Hannah has got it covered,” he assured me. His thumb lightly slides back and forth over my palm. “She said don’t worry about today it's a slow one and she’d already called your clients and got them all rescheduled or worked in.”
I worry my lower lip, trying to remember who I had on the books for today.
“Why don’t you shower,” Tyler releases my hand and stands. “I’ll make some toast; you can get something in your stomach then the two of us can decide how to spend the rest of the day.”
I try not to show how excited I feel at the mention of us spending the day together. It seems with his schedule and mine, plus sisters in the mix, it’s been difficult to get any time together.
I offer a nod and watch as he exits my room.
Had someone told me two months ago I’d be in this very scenario I would have thought they were crazy. But here I am, and though I try to hold back the hopeful feeling that this is something big, they keep rushing at me like a tidal wave.
Tyler isn’t the kind of guy that makes a woman breakfast and hovers over her when she isn’t feeling well, yet here he is doing just that.
After I shower and feel more human, I slip on a pair of shorts and a tank top, and make my way to the kitchen. I find Tyler standing at the kitchen island, drinking bottled water. He pauses and I notice his gaze drop as he scans over me. Almost immediately chills break out all over my skin and I shift nervously on my feet.
“Hungry?” I can hear the huskiness in his voice as he watches me.
“A little,” I walk closer and round the end of the counter, turning my body away from his I grab the plate and slide it closer.
I smile to myself when I hear him groan ever so slightly when I lean over. Knowing my shorts are hiking up and that my ass is most definitely on display.
I may have worn this pair on purpose, knowing they cover very little.