Page 42 of Kissing My Crush
“What if someone sees us?”
“What if they do,” a smile stretches across his lips.
“We need to get back inside,” I start to sit up and he stops me.
“Why do I feel like something happened just now and I’m missing it entirely?” He hovers over me, and I wish more than anything that I could tell him what is on my mind and not feel like he might freak out and run. I’m already running the last several weeks through my mind trying my best to calculate and ignore the signs.
“Nothing is wrong besides the fact that we’ve just had sex not once but twice in the cab of your truck in a very public area and it just hit me that anyone could have been watching or videoing. We could be live streamed somewhere.” I widen my eyes for emphasis, really trying my best to make him buy the excuse.
“Now that is a video I’d pay to watch,” Tyler growls out. I push on his chest making him laugh.
He gives me one more kiss before setting back and I slide away, trying to readjust my dress.
“Where are my panties?” I start looking around and then glance up to find him holding the lacy material on his finger.
When I try reaching for them, he pulls them back. “I think I’ll keep these.”
“You are not keeping them.”
“Try and stop me,” with that he opens the truck door, climbs out and tucks them into his pocket, starting to back away. I remain where I am staring at him with my mouth hanging open.
Knowing that he thinks there is no way I will go back inside wearing nothing, I climb out just to prove him wrong. The second I stand I realize there is nothing to provide a barrier to the evidence of what just took place and immediately I feel wetness seeping down my leg.
I take in a deep breath and start walking, passing him as I march toward the entrance. Ignoring the fact that my thighs are now sticky.
Just before I open the door, he moves in close to me and wraps his arms around me from behind, placing his hand on my stomach and pulling my body back flush with his.
“Mar,” He says my name next to my ear and then pauses. I feel his chest rising with a deep breath against my back.
“I meant what I said in the truck, you are mine.” He finally adds, kissing the side of my neck. “And I’m yours.”
Tears pool in my eyes.
“We are doing this!” I nod because at this point I’m afraid to talk. I know what this means, especially coming from Tyler, this is a commitment and that is something he never does. Not since I’ve known him.
* * *
“No!” Immediately I feel sick. “Oh my God! No, no, no!” I stand in my bathroom feeling like the floor is dropping out from beneath me. My chest feels tight, my heart is racing, and I think I might be sick.
I am definitely gonna be sick.
Dropping everything I hold in my hands I dart toward the toilet just in time to drop to my knees and heave. Tears streaming down my face, from the intense tightening in my stomach.
I can barely breathe.
Everything stops, the last several weeks come rushing back and I know already that nothing will be the same. The carefreeness is over, everything will change.
More tears fall as I set back on my butt, and close my eyes, taking in one slow breath after another.
I’m not sure I can do this. I don’t even know where to go next.
Everyone will think I did this on purpose, but I would never, I couldn’t even consider it. How could I be so stupid? My last period was weird, very light for a couple days then stopping only to spot for another couple of days. Nothing heavy, nothing wild and I chalked it up to stress.But then again my cycles have always been strange which is the main reason I got on the pill to begin with, in an attempt to regulate.
After I returned from the non-wedding weekend, I was in a haze from the weekend's events; hell, I myself couldn’t believe what had taken place. I went about my daily routine, falling into a strange pattern, ignoring the emotional ramifications of what took place at the Resort. How could I be so oblivious to it all?
One pill, actually two, that was all it took.