Page 5 of Kissing My Crush
“I’m not avoiding you.” Iamtotally trying to avoid him.
“Call it what you want, but we need to talk about what happened at the bar.”
I wrinkle my brows and glance back at him, hoping he doesn’t notice how panicked I feel.
He chuckles and I know my lame attempt at pretending I’m oblivious has failed. “The kiss,” he adds and the corner of his mouth tips up in a smile.
“There was no kiss,” I am failing miserably. This is only making things worse, I’m making more of a mess of this than I would if I pulled my big girl panties up, and faced this head on.
“You’re right,” Tyler states and I turn around to face him, holding my bag close to my body to form a barrier between us. “There were several, and some touching, a few sweet little moans too. And... the mention of hands wanting to fist my hair and tug on the ends.” My stomach drops when he says these words and steps closer. “However you want to lay it out, it happened, and I think that warrants a discussion.”
This is the opportunity to face my fears and tell Tyler how I feel, and have felt for longer than I can pinpoint. This is my chance to lay everything out before us and hope for the best. But it’s also the one moment that could make or break everything and the fear of that is too much. Ruining the weekend that is meant for Audrey and Linc is at stake, and I refuse to bethatperson, so I take the cowards way out.
“You've never acted a fool after having one too many drinks.” I shrug it off as if it’s nothing, but my nervous energy is screaming the opposite.
Ty holds my stare; movement is taking place all around us but the two of us simply remain where we are. His eyes locked on mine and his mouth lax triggering my heart to race faster. I feel lightheaded.
“Okay you want to pretend,” he shrugs and takes a step back, “I can play too.”
I watch as he walks up the path to the entrance of the resort, taking the opportunity to really watch the way he moves. Such confidence and manliness, which does nothing to help the way my body wants him and has more frequently with each passing day.
When he reaches the doors, he stops and looks back at me, again holding my stare with his own.
Something passes between our mutual stare, an acceptance, and it makes my stomach do somersaults. This is Tyler, a guy I grew up around. The same guy that I’ve witnessed grow from a boy and into a man. I’ve spent years watching and aching every time he dated or showed interest in another woman. Sitting back pretending to be just one of the gang, a long-time buddy, when I’ve actually fought an ache so deep it's been hard to breathe at times.
“You want me to tell Audrey and the girls that you’re hiding outside because you kissed me and are too afraid to admit it meant something? Or are you coming in?”
My mouth falls open in shock and I look around to see if anyone is around to hear his words. When I realize we are the only two outside I glance back at him to find him grinning wide.
This is the only confirmation I need to know that he has no intention of simply letting this slide by.
I grip the strap on my bag a little tighter and start to walk toward the entrance. With each step my pulse quickens,and my legs shake even more. I am the one that created this current uncomfortable situation, so I have no choice but to face it.
I have a feeling this weekend is going to be the most tense weekend of my life, and I can’t run away from it, though I really really want to.
The guys and I are all sitting at the restaurant in the Belisa Beach Resort, enjoying some appetizers and drinks when the ladies finally join us at the table.
I scan over each of them until I lock eyes with Amara only to have her quickly look away. I can’t help but smile at how she is doing everything she can, in order to avoid me. I’m not blind to the way she tenses when I’m near, the way her throat bobs when she swallows, and the way she worries her lower lip with her teeth.
Leaning back in my chair I lift my drink to my lips and wait for them to sit down.
Spencer starts his hassling of Charlie, Audrey’s sister almost immediately and I lift my hand to hide my smirk. The two of them seem to get beneath each other's skin so quickly, but anyone who watches close enough can sense the attraction they share.
Both Charlie and Spencer are strong willed and determined to remain annoyed, instead of admitting their true feelings.
When we are all seated at the table I can’t help the satisfaction I feel when I glance to my right to find Amara fiddling with her napkin and doing anything she can to keep from looking at me.
I lean my body in a little closer and try to be as discreet as possible, but when I get a whiff of her sweet perfume, I have to take a moment and rein in, the instant impulse I have to kiss the side of her neck.
When I feel like I have gained back my sense of control, I whisper so that only she can hear me.
“I told you that you’d have a hard time hiding.”
“And I told you I’m not hiding.” She counters back quickly, and that’s when I know she’s already had a couple drinks. Placing my arm over the back of her chair, her long wavy blonde hair tickles my arm as I lean in closer. Again she swallows hard, and she leans her body away from me and rests her arms on the table.