Page 52 of Kissing My Crush
“What aren’t you telling me, Tyler?” I can hear the concern itched in her voice.
“Amara’s pregnant,” I confess. “And I’m afraid that I may have given her the idea that I can’t be the man she needs me to be.”
“I think Amara knows better than that,” Ma says. I’m not so sure. “I’ve seen the way she looks at you. That day in the hospital Ty when we were waiting for you to wake up she looked so lost. I don’t know what exactly took place between you two, but I have a feeling it’s not impossible to fix. Sometimes it just takes a cooling off period and then tackling things at a different angle. Look at it from her side of things, and her yours. I don’t believe that this is something that you both can’t work out.”
I can tell she wants to be excited about the news and I want her to have that.
“So what do you think about being a grandma?”
Suddenly her smile grew, and she leaned over placing her elbows on the marble. “I kind of get what Melanie means now, I couldn’t imagine having a little one and not being able to spoil them.”
I chuckle.
“Tyler, to me this is the greatest news you could have given me, and I know your dad is going to be over the moon.”
I have to believe that Amara and I will make it through this. I can’t allow the alternative. The idea of her, raising our child without me right alongside her is not a possibility.
I told her she was mine; it was something I felt from the start but now she’s carrying my child.
We’re in this, her and I, there is no way I’m walking away.
Leah and Lauren were skeptical the entire ride. They both knew something was up and at one point Lauren asked me if I was sick and just not telling them. I almost spilled everything to them right then and there, because seeing the worry in her eyes almost killed me.
“What? I can’t take my sisters on a little getaway?”
“Yes,” Leah adds from the backseat, her head half buried in a pillow that is pinned between her head and the door. “But the fact that you’ve decided to do so in the middle of Tyler’s recovery, not to mention you never leave the salon unattended, doesn’t help your case much. Well, besides that one time when you escaped to Florida for a wedding, where our asshole of a cousin decided to stand up one of the coolest chicks he’ll ever get to look at him twice. But he’s the dumbass so he can sit on that fact.”
She sounds like me when she rambles, but the truth is she isn’t wrong. Lincoln is an idiot.
“Hannah is handling the shop, and Tyler...” even saying his name makes my throat burn, “is doing better. Plus, it's been forever since the three of us hung out like this and Claire offered a getaway with free room and board.”
“We hang out all the time,” Lauren deadpans and I understand that these two are too inquisitive, so I simply let it go and change the subject.
For the next several hours the three of us talked about school, and boys. Leah is doing so much better after her breakdown over Dirk Benson and those bitchy girls. Turns out Dirk isn’t as smooth as he thought he was, and got his little assed kicked by the oldest brother of one of the many girls he was playing. Now none of the girls in school will give him the time of day and he’s known as the little bitch who cried after he got punched in the gut. He seriously cried, like on the ground, crying like a baby, kind of crying.
At the end of the day Leah was all good, and she’s been reminded of her worth.
Pulling into the driveway just before midnight, the headlights reflect off the front of the cabin. Putting it in park, I look at Lauren and then Leah to find them both staring ahead.
“I am not getting out of this car.” Leah hits the lock button on the doors, only they are already locked which makes me laugh.
“We should’ve brought one of daddies riffles,” Lauren scans over the space. “I’m just waiting for someone to jump out from behind the trees and charge us.”
“No, they’ll wait until we get out and have nowhere to escape. All deformed and crooked faced, carrying us all off to some place deep in the woods where they slowly cut away our flesh and feast on us for days while we suffer.”
“The Hills Have Eyes,” I roll my eyes at her suddenly scanning over the area myself. “You just had to bring that movie up.” I hate that movie, with a passion. I’m alright with most scary movies, they don’t bother me and actually I find myself laughing at their ridiculousness, but that one, it gets to me. So much so, that I can’t watch it or hear it from another room when it's playing.
“Yeah, I couldn’t let the opportunity pass by.” Leah is such an ass.
Another flash of lights comes in from behind us and we all jump and shriek, just as Claire slides in beside us.
She pushes open the door, jumps out and places her hands on her hips like it's nothing. “What in the hell is wrong with you three? Do you plan on sleeping in that car?”
“With it running and my foot on the gas,” Leah mumbles and I can’t help but laugh.