Page 62 of Kissing My Crush
Amara has quickly become my best friend in every aspect of those words. She is the first person I think of when I have something to share, and the one I want to run to when things are tough. But she is also the one person that has managed to spin my world out of control in such a short time, and all I can do is smile. She’s incredible, and she has no idea how tightly she has me wrapped around her finger. I am at her mercy.
Rubbing my hand over her back, she looks over at me and I lean in to kiss her softly.
“This is real,” I whisper, “I am so in love with you that I can’t think straight.”
Again tears fill her eyes.
“And I can’t wait to meet our baby.”
She takes in a shuddering breath. “I can’t wait either.”
I feel Tyler’s hand squeeze my own a little tighter and I look away from the sonogram screen to find him staring at the image I was just staring at. His eyes glued to the screen while the technician moves the wand over my belly, pausing every so over to tap away on the keyboard.
“It looks like you are measuring in right around eleven weeks.”
So it wasn’t our time together at the resort, but the second time I forgot my pill.
“Everything looks exactly as it should,” she adds, and Tyler then looks at me and smiles.
The heartbeat thumping throughout the room was one thing, but this, seeing our baby, makes everything so real.
“I snapped a few images; would you like one copy or two?”
“Two, please,” Tyler says before I can answer. “We have a lot of people to show,” leaning in, he kisses me softly. “This is incredible and I’m gonna be that guy who walks past a random stranger and pulls out the sonogram of my baby just to show them.”
As if we have many strangers in Calloway, but I don’t argue. How can I, he is so in awe and it’s incredible to watch. I wasn’t sure how any of this would go. But here Tyler is floating in the clouds and ready to show the world.
“Your next sonogram we should be able to tell what the baby's sex is, if you want to know of course.” We both look back at the tech as she pulls away the wand and places it next to the machine. Offering me a warm towel I begin to clean off the gel.
She clears the room, allowing me time to get dressed and Tyler sits in the chair, staring down at the images she gave us.
“Do you want to know the sex?” I ask, and he finally lifts his head to meet my gaze.
“I think knowing will help us prepare,” he shrugs but his smile says everything. I’m impatient too, so I am so glad he said that. “We don’t have to tell everyone else; it could be our little secret until the delivery.”
“That may be torture for them.”
“Exactly,” I’m not sure I have ever seen Tyler smile so big. “I like the idea of you and me having a secret that we can hold over everyone's head.” He stands and starts to walk across the room to me pausing and placing his hand on my hip. I’m standing there wearing nothing more than a bra and panties. His eyes roaming over me slowly, I feel the heat rise in my chest and neck. Parts of my body begin tingling with the idea of Tyler’s hands roaming over me, his lips kissing all the spots I love to have him kiss.
“Your cheeks are getting a little pink,” he grins knowing exactly what he is doing to me. “You wouldn’t be thinking of dirty things, now would you?”
“I have no idea what you're talking about.”
He chuckles, seeing right through my lie. Lifting his hand, he drags his finger over my side and chills cover my skin. Then when he drags his thumb over my nipple I swear to it, I almost shoot right through the roof.
I’m just about to call him on it when there is a knock on the door, that has Tyler stepping back to create some distance, but the grin still on his face says it all.
Hurrying to pull my shirt over my head and I grab my shorts and tuck in behind the curtain just as the door comes open and the doctor steps in.
I am forced to stand behind the curtain listening to Tyler talk to the doctor like he wasn’t just driving me out of my mind with one single touch just moments ago.
When I step out fully dressed I ignore the satisfied smile that Ty is still wearing and pay attention to the doctor as he offers me my vitamins and we go over the appointment and settle on my next visit.
* * *