Page 72 of Kissing My Crush
The shop’s phone rings for the third time in the last ten minutes.
“Can you grab that son,” my father points toward the cordless phone that is lying on the workbench a few feet away. “They won’t stop until we answer.”
Grabbing a towel I wipe the grease from my hands and reach out to grab it, bringing it to my ear, “Collins’ Garage.”
“Ty,” Liam says in a rushed tone, and I can hear sirens going in the background.
“I’m off Liam, already switched with Coleton and Chief approved it.” I grab a wrench and hand it to my father, pinning the phone between my ear and shoulder.“Missing me already, huh?” I chuckle, only Liam doesn’t respond. His voice is muffled as he covers the phone, talking to someone else in the truck with him. That mixed with the radio in the background and the fact that Liam still hasn’t told me what the purpose of this call is, makes me start to panic.
“What’s going on?” Looking over at my dad, he pauses and stares up at me, obviously picking up on my anxiety. “Liam?” I’m already walking toward the door with my keys in hand and my dad is hot on my heels.
“We’re on our way to a call.”
I wait for more details because I already know Liam wouldn’t call me for just any call. Amara and the idea of something being wrong sends a kind of fear through me I’ve only experienced once before.
“Truck rollover, it sounds bad,” my heart races. Mar doesn’t have a truck and as far as I know she’s home with Lauren, washing baby clothes and organizing the nursery.
“It’s Tuck,” Liam adds, and I feel like I may crumble to my knees. Tucker and I may have our own issues, but we’ve learned to tolerate one another for Amara’s benefit. I worry about what this will do to Mar, she’s so far in the pregnancy and something happening to any one person she loves may throw her over the edge. That woman loves hard, and family, she’d do anything for family.
“Fuller Road,” he replies in an exasperated breath. “About a mile out, right before the bridge.”
“I’m on the way.” I can hear the shakiness in my voice as I try my best to hold it together.
“She’s gonna need you on this one, no matter which way it goes.” Liam tells me and I nod like he can see me. “Hold it together, you have to. I have no idea what we are rolling up on, someone else called it in but no matter which way, I figured you’d want to be on scene.”
“Already on the way,” I jump up in my truck and crank over the engine, my father jumping up in the passenger side. I don’t even question him as I toss the cordless phone to the seat and start backing down the driveway.
I didn’t even bother to search for my own phone but right now I had one place to be.
My thoughts are racing and I’m not a praying man, but I can’t stop asking God to make sure Tucker is okay.
The drive feels like it takes forever. A long stretch of road that goes on and on, until I come up over the hill and the lights flashing in the distance come into view. The entire scene makes everything more real and only makes my heart rate spike even more.
“Tyler,” Fitz holds out his hand as I run toward the truck. “Hold on man.”
“No,” I push past him. “I’m going down there.”
I hear the Chief holler out my name, but I continue on practically falling down the small hill that leads right to the water.
The front half of the truck I recognize is partly in the water, the entire front crushed inward, I assume from the landing. The windows are blown out on the passenger side and the driver’s side is pinned against a tree.
“Liam,” I scream, feeling myself start to panic. I can’t see a way in. And the fact that I, someone who is trained in these types of scenarios, was beginning to panic was even more frightening. This is my fucking job; I do this shit all the fucking time.
“Over here,” he finally yells out from somewhere down front, and I move closer, standing up on the large rocks near the front wheel. “I need a crowbar.”
“Crowbar,” I holler out to whoever followed me down. “Right fucking now.”
Within minutes it's in my hand and I trudge through the knee-high water until I meet up with Liam on the other side.
“If I can get this door open, I think one of us can slip in behind him, put on the brace and then we can bust out the windshield and reign him out that way.”
“I’ll do it,” I don’t hesitate as I move in behind him.
“I’m geared up,” he insists.