Page 75 of Kissing My Crush
There in the oversized chair in the corner and there is Tyler, shirtless, in only his boxers and Jacob is on his chest. Wrapped securely in a blanket and his father’s arms, they are both sleeping soundly.
That is until Tyler opens one eye and peeks up at me and I lean against the frame of the door.
“Hey beautiful,” he whispers with a smile, and I walk into the room further running my fingers through his hair as I lean over and kiss him softly.
“We’ve been home for a few weeks now and I’m starting to miss you in bed next to me.”
I’m only half teasing because finding him like this is perfection.
“Just trying to keep him happy so his mommy can sleep.”
“And what about his daddy?” Tyler’s grin grows so big when I say the word, Daddy. He’s really taken to the roll like a pro.
“Daddy is good.” Reaching out he links his fingers with mine. “Real good,” he adds.
We both focus on Jacob, watching the blanket on his back rise as he takes in one breath after another. It's still so hard to believe that he is here and that he’s ours.
“I want to ask you something,” I look away from our son to see Tyler watching me, still holding my hand. I nod, and wait for him to continue. “You can’t freak out, you can’t go panicking and waking up the baby,” oh hell is all I can think. “And you can’t get up and walk out of this room without answering me."
“You’re scaring me.”
But his smile is so bright that I know it can’t be terrible. “See, that’s crazy because it doesn’t scare me at all.”
“What doesn’t?” Now my mind is racing.
“Marry me,” I freeze, staring at him like I must have heard him wrong. Tyler Collins did not just ask me to marry him. The guy I feel like I’ve been in love with for years, my crush, is asking me to marry him.
“You’re crazy,” I laugh, in a nervous reaction.
“Maybe,” his unfiltered happiness amazes me. “But that doesn't change the fact that I want to marry you. We’re a family, the three of us and I know that no piece of paper changes that. But I’ve spent most of my adult life running from commitment, and here I am a Dad and in love with you so incredibly deep that I feel like you’re a part of me and all I can think about is the fact that I want you as my wife. I want to commit myself to you in the biggest way and I want everyone around us to see how deep I am in with you and Jacob. This is what I want Amara, this life, I want it all and I want it with you. So will ya stop hassling me already and just say you’ll marry me?”
“What if I don’t answer you?”
“I’ll just take you to Vegas, get you drunk and go to the nearest chapel. You’ll have no way out,” He shrugs, grinning at me knowingly. As if I could tell him no.
“Then I guess I’ll save myself the worst hangover and marry you here, with all our family and friends. My dad would be really pissed if he didn’t get the chance to walk me down the aisle.”
“Good choice,” he tugs me closer and kisses me to the point that my toes curl. “Come here,” he moves over enough to allow me room to slip in close to his side. Once I’m settled and both Jacob and I are both safely tucked in Tyler’s arms I close my eyes and lay my head on his chest.
“Everything,” he whispers, “my entire world right here in my arms.”
I don’t say anything, just accept that the man I never thought I could have is the man that has completely given me his heart.
“One question, and I’ll never ask again,” I’m leaning back against the bar, holding a beer and watching my wife dance with her friends. Tucker stands beside me looking out to the same dance floor.
“Okay,” he’s different, something about him has shifted. He’s still cocky and arrogant but he’s also calm. He likes things a certain way, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
“Do I have to worry about her?” I look over at him, but he doesn’t take his eyes off Amara. “She’s always been the older sister, the one to look after all of us. She was always giving up things so the three of us could have what we thought we needed, and she never complained. Not once in any of our lives did she not come running when we needed her. She’s always been ready to beat the snot out of anyone that hurt me, Lauren or Leah, and it never mattered if they were bigger. Nothing ever stopped Mar from being on our side. I just want her to get everything she could ever dream of having, because she deserves happiness. She deserves a good life.”
“And I will do everything I can to make sure she gets all she wants and more.”
Tucker finally looks at me. “I know I was wrong about you, but you can’t turn off being a brother to three sisters. I can’t stop worrying about them being hurt, and I think I directed my own shit onto you and that wasn’t fair. I apologize for the way we started.”
“Accepted,” I reach out and shake his hand. “But just so you know you deserve all the same things.”