Page 49 of Deep in Her Marrow
I shrug. “Possibly not, but he will be.”
“I don’t unders...” she whispers before her eyes get large. “That’s illegal, Jacob!” she hisses at me. “You can’t frame someone.”
“It’s also illegal to hurt the woman I love, stalk her, and break into her house,” I growl fiercely. “I’m just leveling the playing field.”
She’s looking at me as though I’m a stranger and I can’t blame her. She’s never seen this side of me. Truthfully, it’s one I had hoped for her to never see. But I’ll be damned if he’ll continue walking around freely while she lives with fear. Fuck that. I couldn’t save my sister, but I sure as fuck can save her.
“Jake,” she hiccups.
I grab her and haul her into my lap. She squawks in surprise, a sound I muffle with my lips. I’m not gentle. I pour every ounce of love and wanting into it. This maybe the last time she allows me to kiss her, and I want to make sure I give her everything I’ve got.
I slowly remove my lips from hers and rest my forehead against hers. “You need to go and get into the safe room. I already sealed off your parent’s room. The door is locked. The door and the walls have reinforced steel, just like our room. Do not come out until I tell you to. Do you understand me?”
She blinks at me. “Why do I need to go in there? You’ll be here with me,” she pauses before tears start to flow, “You’ll be right beside me, right?”
“No, Sprite. Now get in there.”
She shakes her head wildly. “No, I won’t get in there without you.”
“Cadence, if you don’t get inside that fucking room, I’ll put you in it myself. I need you to be safe at all cost.” I cup her face between my hands. “Don’t you understand that you’re more precious to me than my next breath?” I kiss her lightly. “I’ll do anything to make sure you’re safe, even if you hate me for it.”
I don’t give her time to say anything. I pick her up and place her over my shoulder. I get off the bed and walk to the part of the wall that hides the opening to the safe room. I hit the button on the fake picture and the screen changes to allow me to scan my hand. A second later the door opens, and I gently toss her inside just as I hit the red panic button. I move away from the door just in time for it to close shut.
Even if she tries to get out, she won’t be able to. I have it set so that you can’t open it from the inside for at least thirty minutes. Edge and I are the only ones who know the override code. If something happens to me, at least he’ll be able to let her out early. I doubt it will come to that, but you never know.
Luckily, I slept in sweatpants and am able to just grab my phone and start walking out of my bedroom. This dipshit is still trying to get his bearings, giving me an adequate amount of time to get Cadie safe. I close the bedroom door and swipe the locking mechanism on my phone. My lips twitch; Cadie may be right about me being overly paranoid. But fuck it. I’d rather be paranoid and safe, than dead.
I creep down the hall, making sure to stay completely in the shadows as I hear him picking the lock on the kitchen door. I smile to myself when I think about how easy he probably thinks this has been. I only locked the lower knob, ensuring that he would fully make it inside the house. Didn’t want him getting off a jail sentence on a technicality or some shit because he only reached the garage. Edge isn’t the only one who can plan out shit well, though I may have consulted with him a few times to make sure I didn’t overlook anything. He was the one who gave me the helpful idea of spilling some oil to slow this fucker down a bit.
I lean against the wall as I hear the door open and close. The house is silent, except for Larry’s snoring, which works to my benefit. This dick probably assumes we’re all still sleeping peacefully, unaware of his invasion. Unfortunately for him, I protect what’s mine and all three of the people in this house are mine now, even if a certain Sprite is no longer willing to be. I can spend the rest of my days with peace in my soul as long as she can live a full life, even if I’m not in it. I wasn’t lying, she’s the only thing that matters to me; I could die tonight and be all right with it as long as she’s safe.
He turns on a flashlight like a fucking idiot giving away his exact location. I shake my head mentally. How fucking stupid can you get?
I continue to move through the shadows, not needing any light. I know exactly where everything is and almost leisurely walk to my recliner before I take a seat. Part of me wants to just watch him, but every fiber of my being won’t let him get any closer to the hallway leading to the bedrooms. I use my phone to turn on every light in the house just as he steps into the living room. His face is one of shock even as he’s momentarily blinded by the light directly above his head.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doin’?” I growl out, my voice filled with menace as anger courses through every cell in my body.
He swings his whole body in my direction, and the look on his face would be comical if I didn’t want to snap his fucking neck.
He takes a step back before his eyes turn hard, well hard for a piece of shit who gets off on hurting a woman. “I’ve come here to get my girlfriend. She’s mine and belongs with me,” he hisses like a snake.
“That’s not gonna happen.” My voice is cold. So much so, that I’m surprised frost doesn’t form around my mouth. Red hot anger can be good, but cold and emotionless gets the job done right. I’ve learned it’s more terrifying to face down a blank face than it is one filled with rage.
“And who’s going to stop me?” He scoffs. “A dirty biker or her dementia-ridden parents?” He snickers. “No, she’ll be coming with me where she’s meant to be. I’ll just have to teach the stupid whore not to disobey me again.” His face has contorted into something evil. “But I’m sure that I’ll enjoy punishing her over and over again.”
It’s only years of training that allows me to stay completely still. I don’t even blink even though I have a multitude of ways to kill him slowly running through my brain. Losing focus now would defeat the whole purpose of this. “You really think you’re just gonna walk out of here?” My tone is bland, almost bored and I can see unease pass through him making me smile mentally.
He reaches behind him and pulls out a Glock with a shaky hand. The way he’s holding it shows me that he has no idea how to use it properly. “Yes, I think I will. I’m the one in control here, not you.” His uppity tone makes me want to smack the smirk off his face but I remain still.
I’m not sure if he even knows how to shoot it. But it’s really not that complicated, so I need to be cautious about my next moves. I slowly stand to my full height and can feel my muscles aching to strangle the life out of him. But that’s not how this is going to go down. Death would be too good for him. I want him to suffer for a long time.
He shuffles backwards as I start to move towards him. “Stay right there,” he stutters while waving the gun around. “Do as I say or I’ll shoot you dead.” Even with how big I am, I have a feeling he’d still miss.
I ignore him and continue to move forward, making sure that he backs up into the foyer. I already received the text from Jax that Marc and Damon are outside the door. I just need to bring this moron a little closer to it.
“I mean it!” he shrieks. “I’ll kill you!” He shuffles back, fear shining through his eyes. It’s obvious he’s used to being the one who causes that look in someone. But not today. Today, his fear is all mine and I’m taking great satisfaction in it.
I keep walking forward until he hits a certain spot, one that I marked with green painters' tape, and I promptly stop.