Page 8 of Deep in Her Marrow
“How in the hell do you figure Drav and I are part of the problem. I have a woman and, Drav barely says two words to people,” Edge questions.
I roll my eyes because men really are just dumb at times. “The last receptionist couldn’t have cared less about Kealy or about the fact that Draven never talks.” I snort. “Trust me, she wasn’t interested in getting to know any of you on more than just a purely physical level.”
Edge raises his arms. “How is that our fault?”
“Because you’re the one that hires them,” I reply calmly.
“She seemed to have her shit straight,” he grumbles petulantly. “She even made it a point to say that she wasn’t looking for a man.”
I can’t with these men. “And her randomly stating that, during an interview, didn’t send up any red flags to you at all?” I raise an eyebrow and shake my head.
He shakes his head slowly. “No, it seemed absolutely perfect, at the time,” he mutters the last part but, we all hear it.
I rub my temples because I can feel a massive headache developing. “Edge, if something seems too good to be true, it usually is.” I sigh, having learned that unfortunate reality the hard way.
Edge reclines back into the cushions and sighs while looking at the ceiling. “Well, how are we supposed to find someone who will never want anything other than a job?”
We are all silent at that because he has a point. We can’t exactly ask every woman who comes in if she wants to sleep with any of the guys. Crap on a cracker, we’re screwed.
Marrow coughs into his hand making us all look at him. He has a smirk on his face that does absolutely nothing funny to my stomach and neither regions. “The answer seems pretty obvious.”
“Really?” Edge drawls. “And what’s you’re amazing advice?” Absolutely no sarcasm was added, none at all.
In a testament to how long they’ve been friends, Marrow ignores his comment. “Ask around and see if any of the women at the shelter are looking for a job,” he states simply with a shrug. “JT said it himself, he’s never tried to hit on Mel or Cadie.” Stupid, treacherous stomach flip. “Mel, mainly because she would kick his ass.”
“I don’t really think that would happen,” JT mutters and pouts when we all just stare at him. “I get no fucking respect around here,” He gripes.
Marrow continues while ignoring JT entirely. “He respects Cadie’s boundaries and never crosses them. None of you guys do. It seems to be the best solution. You’ll get a receptionist who only wants a job and absolutely nothing to do with any man who works here. And she’ll get a job where she will be safe at all times. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.” He leans back and crosses his ankles, the picture of relaxed.
“He has a point,” Draven says. “Cadie can even verify that none of us have ever done anything inappropriate towards her if any of the women are unsure about working with us.”
“You mean nothing inappropriate besides thinking that I would eat a pigeon,” I pout.
“You’re not going to let this go anytime soon, are ya?” Edge asks, knowing damn well what the answer is.
“A pigeon, Edge, you accused me of eating a pigeon,” I growl, albeit less impressively than everyone else here.
He swipes his hand across his face. “For fuck’s sake, it was just a damn question,” he groans, loudly.
“Harrumph,” I mutter while glaring at him. “But fine,” I sigh, “I’ll ask around and see if any of the women need a job. And I’ll be sure to let them know that you guys are only irritating and grumpy, not dangerous.”
“That was the most backhanded compliment I’ve ever received,” JT states while the others nod in agreement.
I raise an eyebrow. “Would you prefer for me to tell them how often Edge yells about wanting to get rid of us. Or how two of you will come to blows over some dessert. Or how we have an actual food schedule because without it everyone fights?” I ask in a sugary voice.
“Don’t forget about all of the name calling and just hitting and shoving!” Mel yells from her room.
I watch as Edge pinches the bridge of his nose. “Fine grumpy and irritating will do.”
“Wonderful.” I may or may not smile smugly at him as I reach for my phone and frown. “Crud. I’ll have to do that tomorrow. I have to head over to meet Jameson now.”
Edge, well, all the guys are frowning at me, but Edge’s is the deepest. “Mel has a client coming in soon. You’re not walking over there by yourself.”
Part of me wants to hide in a corner at the command in his voice but, I don’t because I know that he truly only has my safety in mind and isn’t trying to control me. I just nod my head slowly and keep my voice even. “I have to. You all have clients coming.” I shake the mouse to wake up the screen and look at the appointment app. “Even you have someone coming in about fifteen minutes, which gives you just enough time to get everything ready.”
It amazes me how quickly I learned the routines around here in regard to tattoos and piercings. I even know how long it takes each of them to do certain things.
“Maybe I can push my appointment back a few; that way I can take you,” Draven says and I begin to shake my head rapidly making him frown.