Page 1 of Xactly What She Needs
“Son of a bitch!” I shout as I bring my mangled finger up to my chest and cradle it. The rest of the guys around the garage eye me warily but say nothing. Which is probably for the best. Today has been a hell of a day and it’s only a little after two in the afternoon.
I walk over to the sink and run my hands under the cold water to wash them and to help remove the stinging from my middle finger. Once I wash off enough grease, I’m able to see that I didn’t do too much damage when I accidentally let the hood of the car slam down on it. I definitely pinched the tip, which will probably turn a nice shade of purple if experience is anything to go by. But at least I didn’t break it. So, yay for me.
I grumble to myself as I dry my hands and walk out of the garage and into the break room in the back. I reach out for the coffee pot only to find it empty. “What the fuck!” I shout. “Doesn’t anyone in this fucking place know how to refill the pot after they drank the last cup?” It’s common sense really. We drink it all day long. Some days it’s the only thing keeping us going.
“You’re the one who took the last cup.” My brother Jax drawls from where he’s leaning against the door jam.
Inarrowedmy eyes at him. “No, I wasn’t. I always refill it," Igrowl.
He nods his head slowly. “Normally, yeah, you do. But you splashed yourself with some of the hot coffee and walked off cursing about it.”
Have I mentioned that today has not been my day? Not only did two of our guys call out, leaving us in a jam with a ton of work, but on top of that, I have found every way imaginable to injure myself today.
I’m not usually like this. Well, minus my attitude, because I’m always somewhat of an asshole. But I’mtypicallymore graceful than a fucking ballerina. I’m not sure if I stepped under a ladder or crossed paths with a black cat, but my luck has been shit today.
“And no one else could’ve refilled it for me?” I hiss as I go about making a fresh pot. I need this coffee more than I need anything else today. It’s the only thing keeping me from murdering someone.
My brother’s lips quirk, making me want to smack him. Not that I will. Even though there isn’t too much of an age gap between us, he’s always been fucking huge. He makes my six-foot five frame look small in comparison. Add in the fact that he has more muscle in one arm than most people do in half their body, yeah, I’m pissed off, not suicidal. “Maybe if you weren’t being such a dick today, someone would’ve." heshrugs a massive shoulder. “Plus, with just four of us here, it’s kind of hard to keep up on shit.”
“We really need to find a full-time receptionist or something,” I groan. We only have a part-time girl who only comes after she’s done with classes. Most people would never dream of letting their teenage daughter work with a bunch of bikers. However, her dad enjoys the fact that just being associated with us seems to keep all the boys at school at bay. Not gonna lie, we all get a kick out of scaring the shit out of any guy who comes near Jenny. She’s like a kid sister to all of us, something that pisses her off much to everyone’s amusement. Her dad was a smart man letting her start working here at fifteen. That girl will never date if any of us have anything to say about it.
“What would we do with Jenny then?” Jax questions, which is truly the root of the problem. None of us want to let her out of our sight until she goes away to college. And even then, we’re hoping she lives at home and still works here.
I stare at the coffee maker, willing it to brew faster while I contemplate our dilemma. “What if we hire a full-time office manager and keep Jen on as the receptionist. Lord knows we could use the help with all of the paperwork and shit that we don’t want to deal with,”I suggest. I grimace just thinking about the large stack of invoices I’ve been putting off for days.
Jax walks in and takes a seat at the beaten-up table we’ve had since we opened this shop many years ago. He runs his hands across the scarred top, making random patterns. “You want to trust an outsider with all of our money?”
I turn to face him since my mental powers don’t seem to be helping the brewing process along and cross my arms over my chest. I lean back against the counter and give him a thoughtful look. “Do I want to?” I shake my head. “No, not really. But we don’t have another choice," Ifrown. “Especially since Cadie refuses to leave Edge’s ass and come work for us,” I grumble, and my brother smirks.
I’ve been trying to lure Marrow’s woman to work for us for months now to no avail. She’s loyal as hell to Edge which sucks for us, because she would be perfect here. I wasn’t even able to convince her by reminding her how close to her man she would be every day. Maybe I just need to step up my bribing game?
“Don’t even think about it,” Jax states while shaking his head at me.
“Think about what?” I ask innocently. Well, as innocently as someone who hasn’t been innocent since the age of five can pull off anyway.
“You know damn well she’ll never leave Edge’s shop. That fucker went out of his way to earn her loyalty. You have a better chance of watching pigs fly than you do of getting her to work here.” He gives me a smirk, “Plus, you piss her off too much.”
I pout at his words. “I don’t piss her off,” I lie shamelessly. I absolutely do, every time I see her. Besides Kealy, she’s my favorite person to screw with. It also helps that she’s not as petty as Kea is.
He shakes his head. “Just last week you ate all of the cupcakes that she brought in for Marrow.”
“How was I supposed to know that those were forhim?”
“You mean besides the fact that they were labeled and in the fridge in his office?”
I shrug with a grin, “Not my fault I couldn’t read her tiny ass handwriting.”
“One of these days, she’s gonna take a page out of Kea’s playbook and start getting back at you,” he chuckles with an evil grin.
“Nah,” I shake my head, “she’ll always be too sweet for that.”
He doesn’t verbally respond but his eyes speak volumes. Mainly about how he thinks I’m going to die soon at the hands of a very tiny woman.
“Anyway, I’m heading over to Edge’s shop after work. Maybe I’ll ask him about how he keeps finding decent employees. Because besides Jen, we always pick shitty ones,” I tell him, as I turn around and finally get to pour some liquid gold into my mug.
I take a sip and promptly hiss from scolding my tongue. Jax starts chuckling as he stands. “Steam coming from something means it’s hot,” he states like the asshole he is.