Page 11 of Strong and Wild
I’ve got her number.
* * *
Air flowing out of the vents fills the aircraft cabin with white noise as we board the charter plane. I grab snacks from the basket as I walk down the aisle, choosing a seat somewhere in the middle. After the flight attendants perform the safety briefings, we are ready for takeoff.
I’m about to put my headphones on when Jonesy leans over to ask if I’m heading to Top Shelf when we get back. I decline. I know we just won the game against Nashville, but I’m learning that traveling requires some rest between.
“How come you never come out with us, bud? Girlfriend have you on a leash?”
“Ha, no. Traveling wears me out. And I definitely don’t have time for a girlfriend.”
A few guys chuckle, then Broderick, one of the centers, adds, “None of us have time for a girlfriend, but you don’t need a girlfriend to get some.”
“Slippery slope, my man,” Lonan clucks. It’s hard to envision him being with anyone but his wife the way he obsesses over her.
“Did y’all see Shoshanna? Pretty sure she got her tits done over the summer.”
“You still fucking that girl, Jones? Jesus, when ya going to buy her a ring?” someone from the front hollers.
“Whatever. She does this thing with her mouth, where—”
A few of my teammates groan. “Agh! Nobody wants to hear about your beef weasel, man. Spare us. Please.”
“Puck bunnies ain’t got shit on puck wives. Married sex is awesome,” Lonan says.
“Fuckin’ A, Burke. We get it. You got married. Now fuck off already, eh? Let the rest of us get our dicks sucked in peace.”
“Yeah, I call bullshit,” Conway says from the row behind me. “There are some cool ass bunnies out there. Remember Raleigh? That girl I fucked a few years ago? She was insane. God, what I wouldn’t give for another night with her.”
“And then she left without a trace,” a monotone chorus answers. Apparently they’ve heard this story before.
“Look, all I’m sayin’ is not all bunnies are created equal. And it’s pretty fucked up that we hold a double standard for them. We sleep around just as much. And yeah, I’m still fucking sore that I didn’t get her number. She’s probably married now.” He genuinely sounds disappointed, Raleigh must have been some lay. He continues, “But Burke’s onto something. We aren’t getting any younger, boys, and it would be nice to have a family and settle down someday.”
“Good advice, grandpa.” Jonesy rolls his eyes as he brings his headphones over his ears.
I do the same and tear into a protein bar. I try to get a nap in before we land, but all I can think about are a specific redhead’s delicate fingers kneading into dough. I have to get this infatuation under control or I’ll end up like Conway.
* * *
My Uber pulls up in front of Top Shelf, and I grab my bag and thank the driver. When I swing the door to the building open, the smell of fresh, warm chocolate chip cookies punches me in the face.Great, now I’m hungry.I hoist my duffle over my shoulder and jog up the stairs two at a time as she steps out her door. She’s in a tied-off faded RUN DMC shirt, denim cutoffs, and knee-high tube socks. No shoes, she must be going to the mailbox. Christ Almighty. I’ve seen her naked already, so why the hell do those striped socks make me want to push her up against the stairwell?
“Hi,” she says tightly. She’s not my biggest fan.
The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them.“Nice socks.”
I keep my head down, enter my apartment, and slam the door behind me.
Now that we’ve exchanged numbers, we’ve texted a couple times. In the name of safety, we’ve only exchanged first initials. I don’t know why, but it’s exciting knowing I have a direct line to him whenever I need it. Even if I’m not always using it.
Me: What are you doing?
R: Thinking about you.
Me: Lol no you weren’t.
R: No, I wasn’t. But I am now.