Page 23 of Strong and Wild
I don’t know what I will do to this guy yet, but whatever it is, I’ll have zero regrets.
I relax my tone. “It’s fine, we’re just going to talk. Right, buddy?” I slap him on the back.
“I have nothing to say to you.” He chuckles.
“That’s okay, I have plenty enough for the both of us. I’ll grab your coat.”
I grasp a fistful of his jacket from between his shoulder blades to not-so-nicely escort him outside.
Before I take two steps, Freya grabs a flashlight from behind the bar and aims it at the bouncers. When they turn around, she drags her finger across her throat to signal he’s cut off and points at me and my new friend. I really would prefer to see this guy out myself, but it seems she has saved this asshole’s life instead.
See?Sweet side.
“Hey, Amanda? Can you cover for me? I’m gonna run to the restroom.”
“For sure. You good?”
“Yeah, just need a minute.”
“That guy was a twat, don’t let him get to you.”
“Girl, that’s an insult to twats everywhere,” I mutter as I walk toward the back hall.
I glance back and Rhys and that jerk have met the bouncer at the door. Rhys leans over and whispers something to Justin, our biggest security guy. Justin’s eyes find mine. I mouth,I’m fine, then finish my beeline for the bathroom. Unfortunately, there’s a line about six girls deep.
I feel guilty for having Amanda take over, it’s a madhouse out there. Thankfully, most of my customers are good, and I haven’t stepped out from behind the bar since I clocked in. Tonight started so well, but that last guy got under my skin. Especially when he said my username. This is the first time I’ve been recognized off camera. I don’t know what I’d do if my info was leaked at my workplace. Or to Rhys.
Walking farther down the hall, the loud sounds of conversation, laughter, and music dampen with each step. I reach the stairs that lead to the apartments and duck around the corner to hide in the dimly lit stairwell. I’m safe here. I slink down to sit on the steps with my back pressed against the cold brick wall. My shoulders relax and I close my eyes.Breathe in for four, hold for four, out for four.I just need a minute to collect myself.
Deep down, I know it wasn’t the guy throwing insults that got me worked up. It was that Rhys was right there to witness the whole thing. The last thing I want is for him to know my secret or come across as weak. But clearly, I did a poor job of that, because he stepped in when he thought I couldn’t handle myself. I wanted to get the last word in. Instead, it made me look like I needed to be bailed out. I don’t need some man to save me.
I hate he got a front row seat to watch some jerk try to humiliate me. If Rhys hadn’t been sitting there, I would have been fine, but I felt his eyes burning into me the entire time. But why does it even matter he saw? I shouldn’t care what he thinks! I rest my forehead on my knees. Why is it always the assholes I gravitate toward? Probably because despite being an arrogant, rude human, he’s one of the hottest pieces of man meat I’ve ever seen, and I still can’t purge the image of him in gray sweatpants from my brain.
I will give myself thirty more seconds to get my shit together and then I’m stepping out there bright-eyed, as if nothing ever happened. Heavy footsteps are headed my way, probably some college kids looking for a place to hook up. I stand, prepared to tell them they need to find a new make-out spot, when the last person I want to see turns the corner.
You’ve got to be kidding me.
Sighing, I ask, “Why are you everywhere?”
“Are you okay?” His voice is gentler than usual.
He takes a step closer.
“What are you doing back here?” I demand.
“Honestly, I have no idea.” Another step.
“Great. Can you haveno ideaelsewhere?” Another step.
I stumble on the stairs behind me, but he grabs my arm so I don’t fall. Before I know it, I’m standing on a step with my back against the stairwell wall, holding the handrail to keep from losing my balance.
“DoIhave permission to touch you?” His voice does something to me.
“Depends on how you plan to touch me.”