Page 46 of Strong and Wild
Rhys: If you don’t want it, I’ll take it all back...
Me: I’ll keep it. I’ve been looking for new ways to boost my revenue on Followers.
Rhys: No. You aren’t going to wear those for other men.
Me: It’s a gift, so I can do whatever I want with it.
Rhys: What did I say about behaving?
Me: I forgot.
Me: Don’t be late tomorrow.
I login to myFollowersaccount wearing the exact outfit Rhys told me not to wear. If he wants to buy me lingerie, I’ll do whatever the hell I want with it. Today I’m making lemon-blueberry scones. I’ve swapped the apron for this crisscrossing black strappy lingerie that I had to look up online to figure out how it’s supposed to be worn. To be fair, he nailed it with this one. Once I tried it on, I loved it. It’s very much my style: a little sex, a little rock and roll. And not gonna lie, I look damn good.
Excellent_Cut1200: No apron?
DarkhorseTX: my pacemaker’s gonna be working overtime today
BCKeeper5: Whoa, Black Betty Rocker
SuccaMuhMeatballs: How is this hotter than when you’re naked?
Kimmy1223: ^^ this
“Just thought I’d try something different for everyone today. It was a gift. Glad you approve.”
I read through some comments and laugh. I’m chatting back and forth with my more engaging followers when my eye snags on the list of viewers. My breath catches when I see his name. It’s the first time he’s logged into a livestream since I told him to stay away. I wore this lingerie as my own little act of rebellion, but now that he’s here to witness me doing what he specifically asked me not to, it makes it all the more enjoyable.Eat your heart out, Rhys Kucera.
HatTrickSwayze: Does the person who bought that for you know you’re wearing it for a crowd? Better hope they aren’t watching or you might have to face some consequences.
“They know I’m wearing it. But I once heard them say that they like it when I’m their good slut.”
Perhaps that’s jumping in the deep end, but I’ve missed flirting with him in the chat so much. My thumbs run under a couple of the straps as I do a little spin to model the outfit. I imagine him sitting there stewing, he’s gotta be so annoyed with me right now.I love it!
“Okay, let’s get down to business. Today, I’m going to show you how to make lemon-blueberry scones,” I announce. “I almost decided to make pumpkin scones, but I figure since it’s fall, there’s enough basic white-girl shit going around, we don’t need to overdo it. Anybody can make these, they are stupid easy.”
After doing an overview of what supplies and items are needed in this recipe, I work to slowly combine ingredients. Scones come together pretty quickly, so I’ll need to stretch this video as much as I can. I pick up my frozen stick of butter and make a provocative show of my hands sliding up and down the hard block, trying to be as explicit as I can, then I carefully unwrap it and begin grating with reckless abandon.
BCKeeper5: Jesus, that took a left turn.
JohnnyCoxville: Lorena Bobbitt has entered the chat.
S0niQz: I need an adult.
I chuckle. “The key to success here is using frozen grated butter. Refrigeration isn’t going to cut it, you want it harder than your dicks right now. Ladies, you should be able to key your ex’s car with that butter, ’k’? Frozen like my father’s heart when he left for cigarettes and never came back... just kidding. It was groceries.”
It’s a true story, but it’s such a classic stereotype, it’s hard not to crack jokes. He couldn’t even come up with a creative way to abandon us. We were so much better off without him. My mom eventually married my stepdad, and there’s not a better match for her. He treats my mom like a queen, and she deserves it. My subscribers are used to my sense of humor by now, but I can tell which ones are new, based on the few condolences messages that come through.
FullyStacked_92: She’s always like this. You’ll get used to it.
It’s sweet when my OG followers help out the new kids, sometimes it feels like we’re a big family. If we were... Hat Trick Swayze would be Daddy.
Pull it together, Micky.
“Okay, moving on, you want to work the cold butter into the dry ingredients to create crumbs. This allows the butter in those crumbs to melt as the scones bake, which is going to release steam and create those delicious little buttery air pockets.”
The longer this video goes, the more obvious it is how quiet Rhys is. Normally, we chat a lot back and forth. For a split second, I regret not saving this for him but then I remember I don’t owe him shit. He relishes getting under my skin, and I’m happy to administer a dose of his own medicine. Tit for tat.