Page 59 of Strong and Wild
He thinks I’m joking and laughs, but it’s the truth. I don’t need to be in a serious relationship, but I wouldn’t be opposed to asituationship.
“There’s a rumor going around that she’s onFollowers.”
I feel the color drain from my face. It’s bad enough that other randos get to see her, but having guys on the team get off to her makes my blood boil. Lonan is the only other guy on the team that knows, but I can’t picture him saying anything. I swallow and try to sound casual.
“Like, the camgirl website? Who said that?”
“Yeah, man. Bishop’s brother plays for Vegas. He was in town a few weeks ago.”
I remember that. Pretty sure his brother’s name is Paulie. That guy was a major douchebag, which is why I didn’t go out to the bar with the team that night. “Micky was working when we went to Top Shelf, his brother asked her about it, she laughed him off. But he said her voice was dead on, and I guess her nails had the same design that was in the video he was jerking off to.”
Fuck.I know what nails he’s talking about, she showed them off to the camera. They were unmistakable. She’s been getting popular onFollowers, but I didn’t believe any other NHLer would be keeping an eye on that kind of thing with all the pussy around all the time. What would they want it for? I mean, I can’t imagine anyone whowouldn’twant to see her body. But I’ve never been good at sharing.
“Yeah, Burke says it’s not true though. Said he would have heard if she had aFollowersaccount from Birdie.” I appreciate him lying to shut that down. I’d do the same.
“Bishop’s brother say what the username was?”
“Nah. He was pretty trashed, I don’t think anybody was really listening to him.”
I nod and change the subject. Relieved.
Only three more days until I get her alone.
“You guys watchEmily in Paris?” Jonesy asks.
The fuck?We’re running defensive drills, and I’m learning that Jonesy is hands down the most endearing, weird-ass motherfucker on the team.
“The chick show?” Sully asks.
“Chick show?” he yells. “How about a little affirmative action?”
“What’s it about?” I ask, flipping pucks to the guys as they skate by.
“It’s about this girl, Emily. She lives in Paris. This season, she gets bangs.”
Wow, dude.I spin on my skates to look at him and raise my eyebrows, waiting for him to say more.
“I know, man. It’s good! You gotta watch it!”
A few months ago, I’d say he was fucking with us—orreallyhigh—but after getting to know him more, I’m confident he’s dead serious. A few of us laugh and shake our heads. He seems completely unfazed.
“If anyone wants to come over for a watch party tonight, text me, so I know how much pizza to get.”
“Dude, nobody is coming over to watch that,” Banks hollers from the other side of the net.
“Sorry, bud. Can’t tonight,” I say.
“Hot date, eh?” Conway asks.
“Actually, yeah.” I can no longer hide my smile. I’ve been in a great mood for the last couple days. At first, I blamed all the nice weather we’ve had lately, but it probably has more to do with the exquisite green-eyed redhead I’m having over tonight. It’s not the date I owe her from the bet, but I invited her over to hangout, and surprisingly, she said yes.
“Ooooooh, you owe me fifty bucks, Cake-eater!” Jones shouts to Banksy.Is my social calendar so bare that they’re taking bets on me?
I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Freya since, well, since I found out she lived next door, but it’s been especially bad now that I’ve gotten a taste of her. Our stairwell rendezvous has been replaying in my mind over and over again. The urgency in her eyes as she pulled up her skirt for me will forever live rent free in my mind.