Page 7 of Strong and Wild
I take his advice and remove the girl’s hand from me. “I’m gonna get a drink, be back in a bit.”
“I’ll save you a seat!”
Please don’t.
She probably gives decent head, but she’s not my type. If I had to guess, I’d say she’s probably passive, but she’s not submissive—and there’s a big difference.
I don’t mind a little brattiness, as long as it comes with a little obedience too. It’s nice being in control, but if she’s not into it, then it’s not enjoyable. It needs to be consensual, knowing she wants to be put in her place and challenging her is what makes it so hot. I belly up to the bar to face the woman who I wouldn’t mind seeing turn into a pathetic puddle of tears in my hands. She has a spark in her . . . and it’s fun to play with fire.It’s also an easy way to get burned,my brain reminds me.
“Hey, neighbor, what can I get you?” she asks with a smile. Yeah, those eyes sparkle.Ugh, she would be so fun.
“Whatever’s cold, bottle.”
“Sure thing. Are you having a good night?” She’s using her customer-service voice. It’s the same voice she uses when she’s doing a live stream and there’s a lot of viewers. But when it’s only me watching her, she sounds different. I assume that’s the real Micky. At least, that’s how I imagine it to be.
Playing up the assholery, I check her out instead of answering her question. It’s loud in here. I can pretend I didn’t hear her.
She hands me the beer; I snatch it from her and head back to a spot between two of the guys so I’m not a carrion for the vultures with cleavage on the ends. My eyes naturally fall back on Micky. She’s looking at me too. But with a lot more disdain in her eyes.It’s for the best, darling. You don’t want me, and I don’t have time to give you what you deserve.
But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to.
Always cut someone off one drink too early rather than one drink too late. No one has ever muttered the phrase“Just one more”and meant it—case in point, this middle-aged mouth-breather who won’t leave. He’s about half a beer from belligerent, and I need him to free up the bartop real estate so I can help literally anyone else. He’s been bitching about his ex-wife for the last two hours. Honestly, I’m thrilled for her because everything out of his mouth has been pompous and insulting. It doesn’t take a urologist to see this guy is a massive dick. Thankfully he’s on his way out.
In my peripheral, a new person takes dicksnout’s barstool, and I look up to see none other than . . . another dicksnout. Great, it’s my new neighbor—who I have learned is the newest rookie on the team. That explains his body and his cocky attitude. That’s fine. I’m not taking shit from anyone tonight, him included. Half the Lakes hockey team showed up an hour ago to celebrate their win. Most are sitting in the back, and we have a couple of servers that exclusively cover their tables, so I’m not sure why he even sat down.
“Congratulations on the win tonight!” I say, overly chipper.
“Still not interested.”
Clearly, he didn’t pick up on my peppy sarcasm.
“Bud, don’t be a dick. Freya’s practically my sister-in-law.” Lonan slaps him on the shoulder as he walks by.Why did he just use the F-word?
Rhys cocks his head at me.
“I thought it was Micky?” he accuses.
“Micky’s a nickname.”
“How do you get Micky from Freya?” he asks.
“You don’t. Micky comes from my last name: McCoy.”He never noticed while getting his mail?Our last names are right next to each other. He’s probably too busy staring at his own reflection in the chrome hinges. He raises his eyebrows and rolls his eyes, unimpressed.What a fucking treat he is.
“Do you prefer Rhys or Kucera?”
“From you? Neither.”
“Great, I’ve got plenty of other nicknames I can call you instead. Did you need something? If not, you can go sit back down with your team, and Amy will be happy to take your drink order.” With a forced grin, I nod to his corner, where the server is jotting down their requests as we speak.
I walk away from him and check on my other patrons. When I glance over, he’s looking down at the bartop with a sly smirk. He’s pushing my buttons for shits and giggles. He snaps his fingers at me and points in front of him. Like I’m some puppy he’s trying to train.
“I’m sorry, did you justsnapat me?”
“Yeah, you walked away. You’re supposed to serve me.”Well, since you asked so nicely...
I clear my throat, trying to summon patience for this “VIP.”Viscerally Irritating Prick.