Page 79 of Strong and Wild
“Yes, I thought that was implied when I offered a ticket to a hockey game.”
“I can’t, I work Thursday.”
“Quit. It’ll be worth it.”
She smirks at me.
“But...” She shrugs casually. “Maybe another time?” If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she sounded hopeful.
I smile, satisfied with her answer. Reaching into my wallet, I pluck the spare ticket from my billfold and hand it over to her. “In case your schedule changes or you decide to come and see me instead of flirting with other customers.”
“That’s tough to beat. It’s pretty fun flirting with other customers.”
“I bet it’s more fun watching me work up a sweat.”
“Yeah, but I don’t need a ticket to your game to do that.”
I reach across the console to squeeze her thigh. I hope she likes this date. I told her to dress warm since we would be outside. We already have some snow on the ground. This season is flying by so fast.
“Are you taking me skating?”
I shake my head.
“Are you taking me camping?”
I look at the empty backseat of my truck. “With what gear?”
“Are we going to the zoo?”
“No. Stop guessing.”
She slumps back in her seat and groans.
When we enter the parking lot, she sits up again and searches for something familiar. I park next to the facility sign, and she reads it aloud.
“Bradley Raptor Center?” I see the moment it dawns on her what we’re doing, and her face lights up like Christmas morning. Her bright-green eyes sparkle, and she covers her mouth.
“Oh my God. Rhys. No way! Are we?”
I chuckle as I turn off the truck. “Something you’ve always wanted to try, right?”
“I get to meet falcons?!” She grips my right arm with both hands and makes an enthusiastic high-pitched sound. Seeing her happy makes my heart swell.
“A falcon, a hawk, and an owl. And feed an eagle a fish head.” It sounds disgusting, but her eyes are dancing.Wait, is she...“Freya, are you going to cry?”
“No!” She swipes under her eyes. “I’m just excited!”
She’s so cute, getting all worked up over rotting fish heads.
We get inside in time for the eagle feeding. A nice woman guides us back to one of the smaller raptor rehabilitation rooms. Inside is a giant bald eagle. The poor thing has a hurt wing, but he happily takes a fish from me. Rhys shudders and gags in the corner. I have to fight the fit of laughter climbing up my throat. Seeing him disgusted is hilarious. Even though it’s not his favorite part, I still catch him taking a video of it.
Afterward, we go outside and an instructor shows me how to hold my arm steady for the birds. The strength of these mighty winged creatures is incredible. A peregrine falcon flies above us, and when the man gives the signal, I forget to blink. Powerful blue-black wings come barreling toward me. I hold my breath, all of my senses heightened. The magnificent raptor swoops in and gracefully catches onto the glove I’m wearing. It grips my forearm with its massive talons and eyes me curiously with those deep-black eyes. This is so fucking cool.
We go back inside and meet a hawk that was rescued last year, and after that, an owl. The barred owl’s beautiful brown-and-white mottled feathers were fluffed up in the outdoor facility. It watched us carefully as we came upon it. Silent, calculating, a natural hunter. It reminds me of Rhys. And I’m like a mouse he swallows whole.
I’ve never been on a date like this before. I feel connected to these fierce birds of prey, I admire their strength and grace. My heart somersaults. I can’t believe he set this up. Goose bumps wrap around the back of my neck, and suddenly I’ve never felt more present. I see things so clearly. I’m falling for Rhys Kucera.