Page 26 of Not On the Agenda
“There’s nothing to be made obvious, Vee.” I sighed. “Can’t you just yell at Joe for sneaking candy bars into work instead?”
“Joe’s been doing what now?”
“Thanks, kid,” Joe muttered grumpily. I glanced at him, offering a sympathetic glance before I hopped down again. I slipped my shoes back on and cleaned the counter while Vanessa chewed Joe out about how bad chocolate was for his teeth.
I managed to slip away while she harped on about the dangers of tobacco, choosing to walk around the store to make sure everything was ready to open.
Definitely not to spy on Dean and Blanca with Hayden, because that would be intrusive and unprofessional.
Finding them was easy enough. The three of them stood huddled around Blanca’s nutrition desk, looking at something Hayden was showing them on her iPad.
“I was thinking that we could expand on your expertise to incorporate healthy lifestyle living,” Hayden said, every inch of her the boss I could never be. “We might have to have both of you complete a course or two to become certified, but that’s something we can easily plan out.”
I leaned in close, a deep frown settling on my face as their conversation went on.
I’d always heard Blanca and Dean talk about growing their knowledge, and Blanca often talked about going back to school for it. She wanted to work in food research, to put her knowledge to use for people outside the customers at our store.
It stung that I hadn’t been able to do that for her.
“And Dean,” Hayden continued, oblivious to the guilt and shame that wracked me so thoroughly. “I remember that you mentioned personal training or fitness instruction. In the long run, it would take us about a year to have that finalized, but I wanted to ask if you’d be interested in it at all.”
Dean bobbed his head in an enthusiastic nod. “It would be so great,” he said, just a little starry-eyed. “It’s been a dream of mine.”
Another dream I hadn’t been able to turn into reality. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, feeling inadequate.
“Perfect! Then I’ll have HR do their thing and keep you guys posted, yeah?”
“Thanks, Hayden,” they chorused in unison.
“Frankie,” Hayden called, and I froze like a deer caught in headlights. “I know you’re there. Come on out.”
“I didn’t want to interrupt,” I hedged, casting about for a feeble defense. “You all seemed busy.”
“Of course,” she said, and I knew she didn’t believe a word I’d said. “Should I even bother with pleasantries or are you going to talk to me like a human being?”
“God, you make being civilsodifficult,” I grunted, pressing the heels of my palms into my eyes.
It wasn’t necessarily her fault, but what else was I supposed to do when she breezed in here wearing sapphire silk and red bottomed heels? My less-than-civil behavior kept me from going insane just looking at her.
As if to prove my point, she tossed the length of her shimmering curls over her shoulder, exposing her collar bone.
It was an uphill battle to keep the groan from leaping off my lips.
“I want you to be honest with me,” I said evenly, glaring at the ground between us. “And I’d rather not hear it here.”
I turned and waited for her to follow me. We walked to the staff room in silence, but I prayed the ground would open up and swallow me whole when Vanessa winked at me from the barista area.
Once we were inside the staff room, I closed the door behind me and turned, ever so carefully, to Hayden.
She stood in the center of the room, dripping finery in head to toe silk and silver. Her wild hair had been pulled into a high ponytail, the bulk of her soft curls cascading down her back. I wondered, idly, traitorously, what it would feel like to sink my hands into her hair-
“What are your plans with the staff?” I demanded, shaking the vivid images from my mind.
“Plans?” she echoed, raising an eyebrow. “I’m not planning to cook and eat them, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“I know you’re happy with Dean and Blanca,” I said, forging ahead and trying not to let myself fall into another pointless argument. “But what about Joe and Vanessa? You’ve shown zero interest in them; are you going to fire them if they don’t fit the mold?”
“What mold are you talking abo-”