Page 80 of Not On the Agenda
“A hobby you don’t make time for,” Hayden said, and she sounded almost sad about it.
“People have to make sacrifices all the time.” I shrugged, knowing that she’d understand. “It happens.”
“Too often.”
“Hayden’s here again?” Vanessa whispered, huddled in close in case Hayden overheard her.
“I know,” I hissed back, keeping my eyes forward. I didn’t want it to look like we were gossiping. “I have no idea what’s going on.”
“Did you get in trouble again?” Vanessa teased, smiling nonchalantly as another customer walked by.
“What?! Why would you assumeI’mthe one in trouble?”
Vanessa turned to look at me, her expression schooled into a ‘really?’. “Need I remind you of the very public arguments the two of you have already had?” she asked, cocking a brow at me. I grumbled something unintelligible and she smirked. “Didn’t think so.”
“Just because we’ve had words doesn’t mean she’s here so often because of me.”
At that, Vanessa laughed loud enough to catch everyone’s attention, including Hayden’s.
I melted below the counter, just out of sight, and swatted Vanessa’s calf. “Would you keep it down?” I whisper-shouted.
Vanessa’s cackles grew louder and I buried my face in my hands.
“Are you worried that she’ll come over here and see your bright red face?”
“I’m actually hoping she’ll come over to tell you to shut up.”
“That’s not very nice; I’d never tell Vanessa to shut up.”
I swallowed my groan and slowly climbed back up to my feet.
Hayden stood on the other side of the counter, her eyes soft as she watched me appear from my hiding spot.
“Hi,” I said awkwardly.
“Hi, yourself.” She smirked. “Everything okay over here?”
“Yeah, totally,” I said.
Her eyes twinkled. “Is Frankie giving you hell, Vanessa?”
My jaw fell to the ground between my feet and Vanessa howled with laughter.
“I’m feeling very attacked right now,” I said, unable to keep the amusement from my voice.
“Do you want to file a complaint with HR?”
I stuck my tongue out at Vanessa, but every bit of my attention zeroed in on the small dimple in Hayden’s cheek. I’d never noticed it before.
“No, because you’re probablytheirfavorite, too.”
Vanessa pinched my cheek and earned an eye roll as I swatted her hand away.
Hayden’s phone rang and she quickly excused herself to take it outside.
I glared at Vanessa. “Why are you smiling like the cat that ate the cream?” I mumbled, eyes narrowed at the suggestive wink she sent my way.
“It’s so painfully obvious.” She giggled, wiping down her workstation as if I was asking about the weather.