Page 9 of Lovesick
My head hits the wooden frame hard enough for me to hear it crack, but that isn’t a concern once he begins tearing my top from my body. I listen to the fabric ripping. Each torn fiber splits open my racing heart, bleeding me dry, but I feel it halt altogether when he drops Mother in my spot.
Wrenching open the tiny, white bra she was wearing, sending two dainty buttons flying across the room, Jim snarls into her ear, “You don’t get to fucking move until she squirts across your fake fucking tits. Understand? You make your baby girl feel good.” Smiling viciously over her head, he adds, “I think she deserves a little love. Don’t you?”
This isn’t fucking love.
This isn’t even close to what my uncle makes me feel. That’s beautiful, warm, and bloody. This?
“Mom… please don—”
“Shut the fuck up.” This is vile.
She silences my cries and protests by driving her face into my core. Instantly, Mother plunges her tongue inside me, getting to work on torturing my body in hopes of rewarding herself with Jim’s affections.
I fight her off as long as I can, but eventually, my groans break free. When her tongue flicks and swirls around my walls, I watch through hazy eyes as Jim shakes off the blankets tangled around his legs. Struggling to keep my eyes open and the pleasure out of my body, I focus on his moving figure. Slowly, he rounds the bed, coming to stand where my head rests with a sharp smile on his lips and playfulness in his gaze.
My heart races, not because my mother is close to bringing me over the edge, but because Jim's hands circle around my neck. The thick pads of his fingers dig into the bruised ring that once marred my flesh, puncturing deep enough to trace the wounds sleeping in my trachea.
Ignoring my cries, he drags my body across the warm sheets, cutting off my oxygen. My fingers instinctively claw at his grip, bending them away from my jugular. Laughing at my feeble attempt, he pulls me over the ledge, stopping when my eyes become level with his straining erection.
Gripping it in a tight, bruising fist, he holds it like a weapon, stroking its head until it weeps. Mother, keeping pace with my sliding body, continues to devour my core. I can feel her annoyance through her puffing exhales. They come out in hiccupping gasps, harshly blowing against my heat while her tongue dances inside me.
I don’t want to come, but for this to be over, I try to force myself to. Concentrating on her skilled mouth, I compel my body to relax and enjoy the sensation of her tongue impaling my insides. It almost works. With my eyes closed and Jim’s hands around my neck, I can pretend it’s my uncle making my body come alive, that it’s his lips on me, his fingers stealing away my ability to breathe. But, then, my moment is shattered.
Hands falling from my throat, Jim muscles my mouth open, digging his nails into the hard skin of my gums until they split into shallow slices. I feel the length of them leave my flesh as he brings the tip of his digit to circle around my lips. They sear into me, and yet, ice covers my veins.
“This is just the beginning.” Shoving the entire length of his cock down my throat, I choke on air, gagging around the taste of him. Forcing tears into my eyes, he tightens his hands around my neck, squeezing until my throat molds around his manhood, imprinting every ridge and groove of his penis into my flesh.
“Does this feel good, baby? Yeah? This what you like? My dick down your throat and a slut’s tongue in your cunt? Is this what you were hoping for when you stood outside that door? Some of this attention?”
Mother’s mouth stutters at his words, pausing just long enough for me to know that she’s going to make me hurt for peering in during their moment. Unfortunately, Jim’s too preoccupied, strangling me, to notice when she begins to back away. Her lips leaving my wet center make a subtle sound, but it's impossible to hear over the grunts escaping his lips. I’m sure my heartbeat doesn’t help. It echoes in the room, strong enough to be swallowed.
Nails piercing into the swollen veins of my neck take me out of my internal panic, and I’m grateful for that pain when they rip me away from Jim. His member pops out of my lips, bobbing into the empty air as Mother yanks me from the bed. She rushes me out of the room, her steps quick enough to have me tripping over my shaky legs. But her nails embedded into my flesh keep me standing. And though she was too late, my mother finally decides to keep me safe.
“Stay in your room, Maude… I think you’ve done enough for the night.” I can’t really blame her for that comment. I know I was putting myself in a risky position, and I paid the price for it. Now, all I can hope is that it was worth it, that the rest of the night falls into place.
That I survive it, long enough to get back toyou.
Slinking out of the hallway, I hurry into my room, closing the door softly before either of them comes to check on me. I know one of them will, only this time, I don’t know who to expect.
This is what you wanted.Not exactly… but.
This was the plan. Sort of, at least, a small part of it.
Shut the fuck up.
Stop complaining andfocus.
Collecting myself, I cradle my hands to my chest, covering my quaking breasts before hiding myself behind a closed door. I allow myself a moment of silence… weakness. Then, inhaling a troubled breath, I dig my nails into my wrist, brutally opening closed scabs in hopes of bleeding out the agony growing inside me.
“It’ll all be over soon. It’ll all be over soon. It’ll all be over soon.” It’s on repeat in my head, an echo until my hand is drenched and it no longer hurts to breathe. Relaxed, I let my shoulders fall, sensing the weight of my stress morphing into determination. That has always fed me better than my anger, my heartache.
The rush of it electrifies my nerves as I slide crisp, cool cotton over my body. Once dressed in nothing but an oversized white t-shirt, I crawl onto the bed, lying on my side with my hands tucked underneath the pillow. Eyes facing the door, I replay every moment of this night, letting my disgust and Mother’s hatred ignite my fire.
It's uncontrollable.
I fall asleep with a sliver of a smile on my face, knowing there’s nothing left to do but wait.